it is right to pair up?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
stoke on trent staffordshire
In my rescue i own i have 1 single female piggy in who is due to litter anyday she seems so so lonley i just had a new girl in yesterday who to is on her own but not preg is it right to pair them up to keep each other comany i have put them both in the run together and they seem to be getting along a little nipping but nothing much else is this the right thing to do what do you lot think together or not??the first thing the one that is not preg did was sniff the preg ones tummy the single one is popcorning but still little nipping from both then they both eat the grass together:{:{:{...
Personally if she's that close to littering I wouldn't rock the boat! She might not appreciate a new female being around her while she litters. I prefer sows to litter by themselves unless they're already really bonded. It might cause her stress to have a new introduction at this stage. Also the new sow should be quarantined before introducing.

thanx for your help i think i will separate them just keep them together in the run and cuddle time as once the babies can be rehomed i would like to pair these 2 up and rehome them together...I'm not worried about illness from the new one has i know where the guinea has come from and i know she was well looked after so illness is not a problem as i have seen this guineas on many many times before yesterday she belonged to my mother in law who sadly died last monday from a very short illness...did tell her about getting another female guinea to keep this one comany but like most old people they are stuck in there ways and always said shes fine after she died last week my father in law asked me to have her has he wasnt the one who looked after her it was my mother in law and he didnt want the extra work as he had a stroke last year and cant move one of his hands he cant even look after his self the family are all looking after him my brother in law was feeding etc the guinea but he to said it is for the best....:(
ahh to the poor non pregnant pig hope she doesnt have to wait long til shes can be with her friend and find a nice home
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