Toni D
Junior Guinea Pig
I have read the boar behaviour threads and am not sure whether I am at the point where I need to separate some of my boars. They are all in 4ft cages with separate sleeping, separate bowls, two tubes, etc. I am especially worried as I have just bought new 4ft hutches to move them to my pig shed and the thread says changes of accommodation may cause fallouts. For info I don't have any sows.
Pair 1 (4 months old). This behaviour has started recently so probably hormonal. Piggy A has always been full of character, noisy, upfront whilst Piggy B kept himself to himself (and tended to be bolshy with me rather than his cagemate). No rumbling strutting from either piggy, not much interaction between them. Now Piggy B has started suddenly lunging at Piggy A and has left bite marks on his rear and nose and pulled out fur. There is no warning or interaction beforehand. Piggy A is now a bit subdued but no weight loss.This pair is currently my major worry.
Pair 2 (5 months old). Again this behaviour is new. Piggy C was the more characterful, noisy and jolly piggy. Piggy D was just a bit less noisy but both seemed happy with each other. Piggy D is now chasing Piggy C around, bullying him and there have been minor scuffles and minor fights. I can't find any wounds but Piggy D keeps bullying Piggy C when Piggy C is resting in his igloo. Piggy C is teeth chattering and sometimes retaliating. Piggy C is definitely less happy although still noisy. There are submissive squeals. No weight loss.
Pair 3 (9 months). Piggy E has always rumble strutted and pestered Piggy F but Piggy F rumbled back and has generally paid little attention. I noted weight loss last week in Piggy F but he has regained it this week. They have both just eaten together from the hay rack but Piggy F is definitely a bit subdued - no wounds found. I am less concerned about Pair 3 than the others but Piggy E never seems to stop pestering Piggy F i.e. he seems to get no peace.
I apologise this is a long post but it all seems to have gone wrong at once and just when I am setting up my new pig shed. I am wondering who may need separating and whether it should be now or I should observe for a bit?
Pair 1 (4 months old). This behaviour has started recently so probably hormonal. Piggy A has always been full of character, noisy, upfront whilst Piggy B kept himself to himself (and tended to be bolshy with me rather than his cagemate). No rumbling strutting from either piggy, not much interaction between them. Now Piggy B has started suddenly lunging at Piggy A and has left bite marks on his rear and nose and pulled out fur. There is no warning or interaction beforehand. Piggy A is now a bit subdued but no weight loss.This pair is currently my major worry.
Pair 2 (5 months old). Again this behaviour is new. Piggy C was the more characterful, noisy and jolly piggy. Piggy D was just a bit less noisy but both seemed happy with each other. Piggy D is now chasing Piggy C around, bullying him and there have been minor scuffles and minor fights. I can't find any wounds but Piggy D keeps bullying Piggy C when Piggy C is resting in his igloo. Piggy C is teeth chattering and sometimes retaliating. Piggy C is definitely less happy although still noisy. There are submissive squeals. No weight loss.
Pair 3 (9 months). Piggy E has always rumble strutted and pestered Piggy F but Piggy F rumbled back and has generally paid little attention. I noted weight loss last week in Piggy F but he has regained it this week. They have both just eaten together from the hay rack but Piggy F is definitely a bit subdued - no wounds found. I am less concerned about Pair 3 than the others but Piggy E never seems to stop pestering Piggy F i.e. he seems to get no peace.
I apologise this is a long post but it all seems to have gone wrong at once and just when I am setting up my new pig shed. I am wondering who may need separating and whether it should be now or I should observe for a bit?