It feels like I can never tame them...


New Born Pup
Oct 7, 2020
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It saddens me that our situation is quite complicated, I've adopted my 2 sows (I'm a new pig mom) last September 23, 2020 and their names are Poppy and Snow. During the first 1 week we've been getting closer and we are truly bonding. They eat on my hands and wheek every time I come and when they hear me opening their food containers but then after a week I heard them getting sneezes so I immediately went to the vet. It goes downhill from here as I needed to administer 20 doses (10 days for 2x/day) of Baytril to both of them and as you know baytril is not the best AB there is so they had an upset stomach, which stopped them from eating their pellets and i had to pause on veggies too. Everytime I go to them it leaves me no choice but to pick them up because i need to administer the AB, probiotics, and handfeed them as well. We've been over Baytril for about 4 days now but i still need to syringe feed them and give probiotoics and get them off veggies because the poops haven't normalized yet (tapered at the end, not dry, soft and can be squished but formed, it is not diarrhea-like poops). It saddens me because I haven't had the chance to bond with them completely and I'm afraid they growing more apart from me :(
I feel for you. I had the similar situation with my piggie when I got her, in the early days and had to administer antibiotics. I wasn't popular at the time but she has since forgotten or forgiven and our relationship is back where we were before the antibiotics. Hopefully the same for you. You will move forward again after its all over.
I had a similar situation. I'd only had boys about a month before Elvis got an asbscess which resulted in 6 weeks of antibiotics. I was scared he'd hate me because of it but it's amazing how quickly they move on from these things and you can start bonding again. It only took Elvis about a week to learn that the tube I used to pick him up to give medicine wasn't evil anymore and he could happily go in it.
I agree. They will forget about it and will be fine With you.
One of my boys got a hay poke within a couple of weeks of coming to me so had to have eye drops multiple times a day for a week. He was the most nervous of the two and he was so scared having to be caught and medicated but it had to be done.
They won't hate you for it, once this difficult time is over some hand feeding with tasty treats will soon get you back in their good books.
Glad and reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels or experiences this. Thank you for your kind words. We will persevere together ❤️ btw I'm quite worried for them because it's been 4 days from baytril and poops are not normal it makes me think thay this will go way longer than i expected it to be (the aftermath of antibiotics) anyone here with a similae case? Or stickies for it?
Their gut bacteria needs to be restored (antibiotics kill the good as well as the bad). It can just take time and in some piggies, longer than others depending on how badly theyve been affected
Their gut bacteria needs to be restored (antibiotics kill the good as well as the bad). It can just take time and in some piggies, longer than others depending on how badly theyve been affected
Yeaa my other sow was way affected than the other. My heart cries for the poor pigs :(
Be patient and persist! Their health is more important right now.

Make use of learning how you can tell them in their own language that you are not a predator, that they are part of your group and that you love them so they can feel more secure and are assured that they have a safe space with you. This helps to speed up the process and makes a difference in my own experience with skittish new piggies on medication. 'Piggy whispering' means that you can make sense to them long before they have figured out how to make sense out of you and human expectations.
Here are some helpful links with pictures and videos that will help you with your relationship:
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering And Cuddling Tips
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig Safely
Both my boys were diagnosed with a URI within a couple of weeks of me getting them. Cue lots of meds and just having to get on with catching them as kindly and carefully as I could. I felt bad as I fully intended to take things slower with them.

Spud recovered after the first round of antibiotics but Dash is still getting treatment so it's been a while now.

But in the midst of all the stress, I've had some lovely cuddles. Spud will stretch out when we have lap time and Dash actually seems to enjoy his feeding now as we have a tug of war for the syringe. Yesterday he was so eager for it, he tipped over the food bowl trying to get to the Emeraid mixture. I'm hoping he sees it as a treat and therefore thinks I'm lovely 😂

At first they'd freeze completely when I got them out but now they'll move about showing interest or just make themselves comfortable - I'm taking that as a plus. So although I was worried about it at first, I dont think the situation has done our relationship any harm.

I cant offer any advice really other than dont beat yourself up over it. You're doing the right thing by getting them treatment - they'll come round and probably forget all about it when it's over.
Both my boys were diagnosed with a URI within a couple of weeks of me getting them. Cue lots of meds and just having to get on with catching them as kindly and carefully as I could. I felt bad as I fully intended to take things slower with them.

Spud recovered after the first round of antibiotics but Dash is still getting treatment so it's been a while now.

But in the midst of all the stress, I've had some lovely cuddles. Spud will stretch out when we have lap time and Dash actually seems to enjoy his feeding now as we have a tug of war for the syringe. Yesterday he was so eager for it, he tipped over the food bowl trying to get to the Emeraid mixture. I'm hoping he sees it as a treat and therefore thinks I'm lovely 😂

At first they'd freeze completely when I got them out but now they'll move about showing interest or just make themselves comfortable - I'm taking that as a plus. So although I was worried about it at first, I dont think the situation has done our relationship any harm.

I cant offer any advice really other than dont beat yourself up over it. You're doing the right thing by getting them treatment - they'll come round and probably forget all about it when it's over.

Sounds like dash and spud are so adorable! :) would love to see them! Everything's going well now their appetite, hay eating is getting better i hope they return to their normal poops so that i could feed them veggies :D
They're both pretty terrible when it comes to getting pictures. Usually I just get piggy bums!

IMG_20201015_173242056.jpg Spud bum!
IMG_20201007_122859067~2.jpg Dash bum during my team clashed with his med time and he was more interested in my boss than having his Emeraid.

I did manage to get some better ones of Spud recently though...
IMG_20201015_173100797.jpg IMG_20201002_180544924~2.jpg

Dash has just come back from the vets. His poops have gone squiffy again so we're trying to tackle that...but otherwise he seems to finally be on the mend from the URI.

Hope your piggies are feeling better.
They're both pretty terrible when it comes to getting pictures. Usually I just get piggy bums!

View attachment 155674 Spud bum!
View attachment 155675 Dash bum during my team clashed with his med time and he was more interested in my boss than having his Emeraid.

I did manage to get some better ones of Spud recently though...
View attachment 155676 View attachment 155677

Dash has just come back from the vets. His poops have gone squiffy again so we're trying to tackle that...but otherwise he seems to finally be on the mend from the URI.

Hope your piggies are feeling better.

They are both super adorable! I could look at piggies all day 😂 my sows are getting better now (poops have been progressing although I'm still on the look out for Snow her poops are still small) here they are getting their morning hay fix :)