Self Isolation Isolation again 🙄


Forum Donator 2023/24
Jul 7, 2019
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South yorkshire, Uk
Well lillie (again) with a new continuous cough and she couldn't taste her breakfast 🤦‍♀️ so back in isolation and test booked for 12pm 😱 I'm sure it's just a cold but there is parents at the school who've tested positive 🙄 crossing our fingers this one comes back quickly and there's no unclear results this time 😳 gosh I feel like we will constantly be doing this with the kids back at school 😳 xx
😢 its a nightmare isn't it! My son started with a cough Sunday night - then when he got up coughing again - not excessively but I knew if he went to school they would send him home... Managed to get a test booked that same day and the results were in the next day about 4pm... my daughter was not happy about having to stay off school ( year 11 - very important year ) other half enjoyed a day and a half off work - pottering around the garden lol!

So many cases each week, kids being sent home... i dread opening emails from school now!

I hope your daughter is ok..x
😢 its a nightmare isn't it! My son started with a cough Sunday night - then when he got up coughing again - not excessively but I knew if he went to school they would send him home... Managed to get a test booked that same day and the results were in the next day about 4pm... my daughter was not happy about having to stay off school ( year 11 - very important year ) other half enjoyed a day and a half off work - pottering around the garden lol!

So many cases each week, kids being sent home... i dread opening emails from school now!

I hope your daughter is ok..x
Thankyou I don't think daddy's work will be happy this is the second time he's had to isolate but what can you do especially with the no taste 🤷‍♀️ I hope she's OK too this is the third time she's put us in isolation, once during lockdown, twice since back to school! 🙄😳🤦‍♀️ Hope the results come back quickly 🤷‍♀️ xx
Fingers crossed. Hope she's better soon, but it is important her sister stays home. My daughter's class avoided isolation because her classmate was already isolating as his sibling tested positive. If he did go to school another 150+kids would have to stay home
I just wish we were in the stage when tests could be bought in stores and done at home. Feeling ill? Test and then act accordingly.
Fingers crossed. Hope she's better soon, but it is important her sister stays home. My daughter's class avoided isolation because her classmate was already isolating as his sibling tested positive. If he did go to school another 150+kids would have to stay home
I just wish we were in the stage when tests could be bought in stores and done at home. Feeling ill? Test and then act accordingly.
I wish that too, we are all isolating per government guidelines 😳
Thank you. It does make a difference. Especially with secondary schools when bubbles are massive. My friends girl is isolating as classmate tested positive and it's 180 kids for 2wks. Couple days until test is back is more reasonable!
Thank you. It does make a difference. Especially with secondary schools when bubbles are massive. My friends girl is isolating as classmate tested positive and it's 180 kids for 2wks. Couple days until test is back is more reasonable!
Definitely agree, thankfully her bubble is 30 kids as she's in fs2 and her sister is in y3. I'm diabetic so I always worry a bit 😱😳
Faith my 15yr grand daughter is in isolation from college, along with her class,she was telling me earlier about two of her friends, she is Skype with, their mothers have shut them in their bedroom, and not speaking to them, how can they be so heartless, it's not the child's fault.
Faith my 15yr grand daughter is in isolation from college, along with her class,she was telling me earlier about two of her friends, she is Skype with, their mothers have shut them in their bedroom, and not speaking to them, how can they be so heartless, it's not the child's fault.
Oh my goodness I could never do that 😱😨🤯
Faith my 15yr grand daughter is in isolation from college, along with her class,she was telling me earlier about two of her friends, she is Skype with, their mothers have shut them in their bedroom, and not speaking to them, how can they be so heartless, it's not the child's fault.
That's awful..... even though my kids do spend a lot of time in their rooms,I would never make them stay in there and then ostracize them!
I can't believe anyone would shut their child in their rooms 😱 lillie is in bed with me symptoms or no symptoms she needs her mummy when she's poorly 💖 she's pretty well in herself luckily just questionable taste and the cough, hopefully just a cold 💖
My son has been sent home from secondary today, a teacher he has, where he sits at the front of class, has tested positive. Only the children at the front of the class are deemed to have been in close contact, whilst he has to isolate, it seems we all carry on as normal unless any of us show symptoms.
My son has been sent home from secondary today, a teacher he has, where he sits at the front of class, has tested positive. Only the children at the front of the class are deemed to have been in close contact, whilst he has to isolate, it seems we all carry on as normal unless any of us show symptoms.
Fingers crossed for him and you all 💖
Although Oxford city rates are rising we're further out and so far we've only had one confirmed positive in our secondary school. We were all told in a general e-mail but only 'close contacts' were sent home for isolation so if we hadn't been instructed, it wasn't us. Cue dozens of mum's phoning each other... my friend said it was a girl in her daughter's year (but not her class). I didn't want to gossip so I said, "Don't tell me her name if it's confidential" and she said, "It's OK - the first thing she did was put it on her timeline on social media - "I tested positive for Covid!" so now everybody knows and her mum is mortified!
Gosh I think I preferred home schooling to this mess of constant isolation and anxiety 🤦‍♀️ x
My 13yr grdson, hes autistic, school said they have no way of schooling him because of the rules for Corona 19, so have off-rolled him, so he's back to homeschooling. My daughter is beside her self, as l cannot help at present, 2 years ago l spent a year homeschooling him, he got on with his learning really well as it was 1 to 1.
My 13yr grdson, hes autistic, school said they have no way of schooling him because of the rules for Corona 19, so have off-rolled him, so he's back to homeschooling. My daughter is beside her self, as l cannot help at present, 2 years ago l spent a year homeschooling him, he got on with his learning really well as it was 1 to 1.
I home schooled my oldest for a year she didn't start school till October of y1 💖 she was ready by then, they love school now so i dont feel I can take it away from them 💔 or I wouldn't hesitate to home Ed again 🤦‍♀️🙄
I could probably have managed homeschooling when mine were younger but now they are both in secondary I learnt last time it was just too hard, not the actual work, more the motivation and my son especially not wanting to work, it made home life quite unpleasant, I have already checked with him this evening that we can access his Microsoft school account as the lessons are going to be given via teams, at least we are only a week away from half term, I don't think I could cope with a full lockdown again.
Fingers crossed for all the kids in isolation and having to stay at home, hoping it not the virus x