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Is my guinea pig dead?


New Born Pup
Apr 12, 2021
Reaction score
I found my Guinea pig lying flat a few days ago with eyes open let her be to see if she was maybe hibernating. Today I’m cleaning out other guinea pigs cages and need to decide if she is dead or not to get rid of her cage. She has not moved is lying flat with eyes open and is not stiff when I picked her up
I'm sorry for your loss. When mammals first die they do go stiff (rigor mortis) but then this wears off. Your piggy will be floppy by now and not move when you handle her but there are other signs of death you can reassure yourself with. She will be cold, and it's likely that her eyes and mouth will have dried out significantly. Rest in peace little girl x
I'm so sorry for your loss. Guinea pigs don't hibernate, it definitely sounds as though she has passed on.