Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi everyone i know i havent been around for a while however i would just like to ask that you take the time to visit te group 'JUSTICE FOR ISAAC' on facebook or my facebook profile - Melissa-Louise Branston and sign the petition thats running to make sentences for animal abusers etc stricter and longer. Isaac was beaten and burnt to death last week in the Wyburn area of Sheffield by an evil evil man who is now being protected for his own safety?! Where is the justice in that? Isaac the staffy was 9 years old & had a loving owner he was stolen by this scumbag and killed.. This animal wasnt just a dog he was someones pet and I'm sure we can all relate to this story and join in unison of sadness and anger so please take the time to sign the petition we need 100,000 signatures before the government will even accept it.