Is This Toy Safe?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Brisbane, OLD Australia
I bought a toy... I did not read the label correctly and it was made out of sisal string so i thought it would be all right. But turns out the toy had catnip in it :( I read the back when it was too late, it said the catnip was all natural and also said that catnip is apart of the 'mint' herb family. Is it okay if I still use the toy with the pigs with supervision?
I can't return it so if not would it be alright to give it to my dog? other wise it would be a waste of 4 dollars
If you are not sure if it is safe, I would avoid giving it to your piggies just in case.
In this country, a lot of piggie toys are made out of sea grass and/or wood.
Sorry hun i don't know I sure some one with knowlage about this will reply soon if not we can keep bumping it :) this, as 7 squeakers said don't give it to them until you are sure it's safe.

I'm sorry I can't answer your question but , if in any doubt - don't use it .

I've had a little look by googling and there a few websites that say catnip toys are OK for dogs.
If it is a Sisal ball they are not safe. Just been watching a video that had been posted to facebook regarding a rabbit that got all tied in one and was almost strangled.
I saw your post about the sisal ball, @SamStevo It is very horrifying! Luckily that is not the type that I have. It's a way smaller one that does not have enough string to strangle them. I have found a thread on another forum (I think it is against the rules to link to another forum) that someone gives them toys with catnip inside and has never had a reaction :) I'm revealed now :D
Catnip is a member of the mint family & is safe for dogs & piggies. However, neither may bother with it as it doesn't affect them like it does cats.Mind you, I have a friend whose kitty doesn't like catnip!
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