Is this ok or is something wrong?

Yeah they're fine. Zoomies and popcorns are normal behaviours that typically happen when they're really happy or excited about something. My boys do it all the time and normally collide with each other before starting off again
Zoomies and popcorns means happy piggies. I love to see a zoomy, popcorny piggy. My 2 old gals are only capable of very slow sedate arthritic zoomies and little jumpy popcorns now and the 2 newly adopted girls are still a bit scared yet. Enjoy their exuberant behaviour they are loving life and living it to the full.
Awww! They’re just doing zoomies, and popcorning! It means they’re excited and happy! 🥰
Zoomies and popcorning. They haven’t gone mad 🥳
Common behavior when excited and happy. Enjoy this! My boys don’t always do this but when they do I’m like YES and try to capture a photo.
Oh thanks everyone, we have only had them just over a week now and they have been pottering about getting used to new home I suppose.
Then last 2 days they seem to have exploded with energy!
They have also learnt the sound of the nugget box!
Zip the caramel coloured one bounced of his fleece cosy I made him and did a virtually a full barrel roll through the fleece curtain… I wish I had caught that on recording.
Full barrel roll 🤣🤣🤣 yes they are getting used to your home!

So adorable!
My last pair, I had one zoomer and one popcorner. The zoomer liked to make his own circuits on a nightly basis and would rearrange the furniture as he saw fit. Including the hideys someone else was sleeping in :)) The popcorner, with the way his fur was, looked like he'd be very at home in a piggy mosh pit at a metal gig. He also made angry noises if I tried playing pop music. He clearly had his tastes!

There's nothing quite like happy piggies, even if the zoomies mean peace and quiet get chucked out a window.
Oh thanks everyone, we have only had them just over a week now and they have been pottering about getting used to new home I suppose.
Then last 2 days they seem to have exploded with energy!
They have also learnt the sound of the nugget box!
Zip the caramel coloured one bounced of his fleece cosy I made him and did a virtually a full barrel roll through the fleece curtain… I wish I had caught that on recording.

Omg my guinea pig did the same exact thing yesterday! She was popcorning so much that she could not get her grounding whatsoever and very elegantly barrel rolled/flopped out of the fleece curtain. I had the same thought you did, I wish I had recorded it. I love their little popcorn attacks, they are such a delight to witness.
Omg my guinea pig did the same exact thing yesterday! She was popcorning so much that she could not get her grounding whatsoever and very elegantly barrel rolled/flopped out of the fleece curtain. I had the same thought you did, I wish I had recorded it. I love their little popcorn attacks, they are such a delight to witness.
They are aren’t they. Their personalities are starting to emerge now, zip is very gentle when he takes food from your hand and Jim Bob ( black and white) takes it like you haven’t fed him for weeks! Although I can hear zip growling? When Jim Bob barges his way into the pigloo. They have chatted teeth at each other and sort of done a I'm to scared to throw a punch man fight wafting their front paws at each other but only happened once that I’ve seen.