Is this normal?

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Apr 24, 2010
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This is my first time having 2 males. Might as well be my first time having pigs actually. But I have two boars and Sweeny keeps chasing Darken. Mostly just outta his hidey hole. But he just chased him for no apparent reason once, they are 10 months old, is this just sorting dominance or are they showing signs of not getting on?
I'm no expert but yes sounds like the dominance thing. Mine are nearly 4 month old and both boars and they chase each other, mount eachother, nibble eachother and basically annoy the hell out of each other hahaha. iv made them a bigger cage (cc cage) and gave them two of everything from the advice of this forum and so far things have improved but they do still squabble every now and then.i just hope they dont fight properly again.
He is obviously the dominant one and showing who's boss, boys need lots of space and two of everything to prevent fallouts but at 10 months, they should be just about though the hormones.

Aslong as no wounds are inflicted and both pigs are eating, living happily. They are getting on fine.
They have two of everything and have the biggest cage I can have in my house its like 3foot by 5foot.
They have two of everything and have the biggest cage I can have in my house its like 3foot by 5foot.

I believe thats big enough for 2 pigs... but I always get confuzzled when people start talking measurements :)).
Yeah it is, thats why I was abit worried. My grandma doesn't like the fact its big and messing up her lounge haha. But she says the boys are worth it.
I'm sure they are just going though the hormones aslong as no bites are inflicted, and both pigs are happy, healthy and eating they should be fine :).

Boys who would have them :))
Your cage is plenty big enough. 2ft x 4ft is the minimum recommended for 2 pigs. I agree with Joanne that it's probably a dominance issue. My girls do this quite often as well. :)
You could try hideys that have 2 openings if you are concerned; this way the dominant boar can't corner the other one.
Poco and Figgy are about 3 years and have sorted out their little pecking order, though I know exactly how you feel from when they were piglets.

I'm thinking it must be about dominance because now, they have their occasional head-hump (usually administered by Poco) but mostly they live together in peace, they are even bonded.
When Figgy first came, Poco was already a few months old. Once quarantined, we put them on the floor together and Poco wouldn't stop chasing/ getting on top of and humping Figgy.

They sorted it out of their own accord after a while. This should happen with your boars, hopefully.

Good luck, hope this helps~
Yes, it is pure dominance. As long as they do not draw blood then it is fine. They will be best friends before you know it. (Boars come into season sooner then sows)
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