Is this normal?


New Born Pup
Aug 15, 2024
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Hi- new piggie owner here. We collected 2 female piggies from a garden centre yesterday.
They seemed bright and active when we saw them.
We’ve placed them in their new enclosure- 5x2 c&c which is indoors and both of them are at separate ends - one hid in hay and the other hid under a Bath mat.

Neither one has come out to explore. I have seen both eat hay but neither one has eaten any pellets/vegetables and I haven’t seen either one drink anything.
Is this normal?

One of them has a gunky eye which I have bathed. I have a vet appointment book for tomorrow morning. The vet said bring both and she’ll check both of them.

Should I be concerned that neither one has come out of hiding and hasn’t drank anything?

I’ve got water bottles and bowls.
I’ve also tried tempting them with veg but they don’t want to know.
They seem so frightened!

Sorry if this is basic stuff but I’ve never owned any type of rodent before and just want to do the right thing.
Hi- new piggie owner here. We collected 2 female piggies from a garden centre yesterday.
They seemed bright and active when we saw them.
We’ve placed them in their new enclosure- 5x2 c&c which is indoors and both of them are at separate ends - one hid in hay and the other hid under a Bath mat.

Neither one has come out to explore. I have seen both eat hay but neither one has eaten any pellets/vegetables and I haven’t seen either one drink anything.
Is this normal?

One of them has a gunky eye which I have bathed. I have a vet appointment book for tomorrow morning. The vet said bring both and she’ll check both of them.

Should I be concerned that neither one has come out of hiding and hasn’t drank anything?

I’ve got water bottles and bowls.
I’ve also tried tempting them with veg but they don’t want to know.
They seem so frightened!

Sorry if this is basic stuff but I’ve never owned any type of rodent before and just want to do the right thing.

Hi and welcome

I am very sorry that it is a less than ideal start. Please open an ongoing support thread in our specially monitored health/illness section for help and how-to tips in terms of medication and any questions along the way. We are a friendly forum and will help you all along the way.

The poor girl has either got a hay poke in her eye if the gunk is greyish/bluish from an ulcerating infection) or an untreated upper respiratory infection if the gunk is green/yellow or orange tinged. Good that are seeing a vet tomorrow. Eye infections can deteriorate rather quickly. The sooner they are treated, the easier the recovery.

You may want to order some plain viscotears or a similar brand of carbomer based tear gel now (there is not much between the various brands). It is not a medication but the extra hydration helps majorly with keeping the eye hydrated and by creating an ideal healing environment deeper in the eye, helps to speed up the recovery. Gel is much easier to apply than drops; it is also longer lasting and more effective and worth having at home at all time. Hay pokes do happen since hay makes over three quarters of the daily food intake.

It is perfectly normal for new piggies to not come out. Please peg a sheet over the cage and leave them be. They will move when they feel secure and unobserved.
Please take the time to read this very practical and helpful guide here into which literally tens of thousands of forum questions have gone:

This is how arrival in a new home looks for guinea pigs:

Here is our guide to common pitfalls with new guinea pigs and your customer rights:

You may want to bookmark this link here, browse, read and re-read at need since you will pick up on different aspects at different levels of experience. It is the access to our New Owners very helpful practical information collection in terms of care, behaviours and learning what is normal and not, including a useful little course in piggy whispering:

It is admittedly a bit more of a steep learning curve for you right now but you will get there, I promise. :tu:
The one with a gunky eye also has a tiny bit of nasal discharge.
I’ve got the earliest vet appointment I could get.

Your piggy will hold until tomorrow when your vet will give your piggies a thorough onceover.

You can find a link to advice on your customer rights in my previous post.
Hi and welcome to the forum. Guinea pigs are prey animals and their natural instinct is to hide in new situations. They are wired to think that they will be eaten. You need to give them time to trust you. This can take a few weeks to a few years! Each piggy is different. Have you covered the cage with a blanket or similar? This will help them to feel safe.

Think of it from their point of view. They have been taken from a place they were starting to get used to and beginning to explore. Then they are taken somewhere else with lots of scary noises and new smells (your house). They are scared and frightened and wondering what the hell is going on. Then a big smelly giant (to them - not suggesting you don't wash!) tries to pick them up so they run and hide.

This guide may help you to settle them in.

The guinea pig whispering guide is particularly good and I have used this several times myself. You may feel stupid doing some of it but you are "talking piggy" so your piggies will understand you.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
The discharge is yellow in colour so thinking it may be a viral infection seeing as her nose is dripping as well.

I’ll get some viscose tears from the vet tomorrow.

I’ve got both ends of the cage covered with just the middle bit exposed.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
The discharge is yellow in colour so thinking it may be a viral infection seeing as her nose is dripping as well.

I’ll get some viscose tears from the vet tomorrow.

I’ve got both ends of the cage covered with just the middle bit exposed.


Guinea pigs don't have viral respiratory infections. It is more likely an untreated bacterial infection. Eye gunk and nasal discharge are not onset symptoms; they happen later on in a well developed un- or undertreated infection.

All the best anyway.

Brace for some rather badly tasting antibiotics (don't try them yourself; humans don't tolerated enrofloxacin).
Here is our step by step guide for oral medications with videos and pictures, plus other tips for both cooperative and uncooperative piggies:
Hello and welcome to the forum and the (usually) wonderful world of guinea pigs. Well done for making a vet appointment, you'd be amazed at how many people don't. Obviously you have done your research judging by the fact that you have a great sized c&c set up for them.
Time and patience is definitely the key to making friends with these adorable creatures...and food, food and more food......
Welcome to the forum. I am so sorry you piggy is ill, well done on getting a vet appointment so quickly.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry one of them is poorly. Hopefully she will soon be on the mend.
Hello and welcome to the forum. Superb advice given already. I hope all goes well at the vets tomorrow.