Is this normal?


New Born Pup
Sep 20, 2023
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Hi I have 3 girl guinea pigs that i’ve had for a couple of years now, tonight it seems like 1 pig is winding the other 2 up, they keep chasing eachother and squealing, I would of thought they were in season but she’s not been purring or doing her usual bum wiggling, is this normal? they don’t seem to be snapping at each other just chasing.
i’m scared of them hurting themselves being silly.
Welcome to the forum

There could be any number of reasons.
I would keep an eye and see if it continues over the coming days.

Sometimes a change in behaviour can point to a medical issue - sometimes if they are in pain for example, they can either become withdrawn or become ‘aggressive’.
Sows over 2 years of age can start to have issues with ovarian cysts. Sometimes they have no symptoms, other times is just behaving like they are in season all the time, others have other physical signs such as balding on the flanks.

Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
Hi I have 3 girl guinea pigs that i’ve had for a couple of years now, tonight it seems like 1 pig is winding the other 2 up, they keep chasing eachother and squealing, I would of thought they were in season but she’s not been purring or doing her usual bum wiggling, is this normal? they don’t seem to be snapping at each other just chasing.
i’m scared of them hurting themselves being silly.

Hi and welcome

Sows don't usually fight and they do not hurt each other. The sow version of a full-on fighting bite is a mouthful of painfully ripped out hair.
Please remove any houses and cosies with just one exit.

Here is a guide with videos from a strong season.
When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)

If things have not calmed down again within 24 hours and keep on going like your problem sow has a nonstop season, then please see a vet over potential hormonal ovarian cysts.
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
Hi and welcome

Sows don't usually fight and they do not hurt each other. The sow version of a full-on fighting bite is a mouthful of painfully ripped out hair.
Please remove any houses and cosies with just one exit.

Here is a guide with videos from a strong season.
When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)

If things have not calmed down again within 24 hours and keep on going like your problem sow has a nonstop season, then please see a vet over potential hormonal ovarian cysts.
Sows: Behaviour and female health problems (including ovarian cysts)
thanks so much for the tips! i’ll get the house removed now
I find that open places, like children's foot stools or log tunnels, work best during times when there are tensions. Except for my fleece caves with a warm but not hot snugglesafe underneath for my arthritic elderlies, I no longer use huts with just one exit. It makes life in a group quite a bit easier since no piggy can get cornered or trapped.