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Is this normal?


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
Last week we’ve moved our 5 piggies inside for the winter and they’ve all seem to put on 30g to 65 ish. I was just wondering if this is normal for them?

(Its our smallest one that’s put in the most weight but I think it’s due to the fact that we had to separate him from his two friends as he was being bullied and didn’t get as much to eat.)
As long as they are gaining and not losing, then all is well.

(If you were attempting to keep three boys together, then that is why there is bullying. Boys have to be kept in pairs as trios and quartets almost always result in failure)
Keep an eye on it obviously, but that much gain in one week could simply be the difference between a full and empty bladder.
If the trend continues to go up then it might be an idea to revise their diet, but give it a couple of weeks in their new environment to settle first.
As long as they are gaining and not losing, then all is well.

(If you were attempting to keep three boys together, then that is why there is bullying. Boys have to be kept in pairs as trios and quartets almost always result in failure)
Thank you :))
Keep an eye on it obviously, but that much gain in one week could simply be the difference between a full and empty bladder.
If the trend continues to go up then it might be an idea to revise their diet, but give it a couple of weeks in their new environment to settle first.
thank you, I’ll keep an eye on them :)
Last week we’ve moved our 5 piggies inside for the winter and they’ve all seem to put on 30g to 65 ish. I was just wondering if this is normal for them?

(Its our smallest one that’s put in the most weight but I think it’s due to the fact that we had to separate him from his two friends as he was being bullied and didn’t get as much to eat.)


That kind of weight gain is not uncommon when piggies from a colder more variable situation into a constantly warm and stable environment as they burn less energy. 30g are still within the range of the difference between a full or empty bladder and belly throughout the course of a day to give you an idea of where you range the weight gain. That is why we talk about weight loss or (rarer) weight gain generally only once 50g or more are reached.
Weight - Monitoring and Management

In the bullying case you have obviously done the right thing to separate! :tu:
Boars: Teenage, Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Moody guinea pigs: Depression, Bullying, Aggression, Stress, Fear and Antisocial Behaviour