Is This Normal?.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 25, 2016
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I have 2 girls aged 8 weeks. I've just found this in their bed compartment
How is this possible lol

It's normal ! It's something sows do do fend off unwanted approaches . My Sparkle is a good aim - I was going to rename her Sprinkle at one stage :))
Do you mean the sprayed pee? Sows are very good at target peeing to send a clear message when they do not want to have their bum pestered when their mate is in season (or a boar is getting randy when they are in season).
Sow Behaviour
They are indoors. That green thing is abit of cabbage lol
God knows why they have done that lol I came home and fed them then noticed it
Could they be doing it to each other as they get ratty with each other when it's food time
Normal, see it's not only men that can pee up against walls..lady piggies too!

Happens a lot when they are trying to decide who is boss.
Mine girl piggies tend to do it to each other when on heat, when the abused one gets too much unwanted attention from the rear. Plenty of squeaking, jumping and charging around too! So it doesn't have to be just sows being bothered by boars!
When mine were in a wooden hutch I quickly worked out that I needed to run the protective flooring quite a long way up the wall too!
I saw Lily spray George once when he was chasing her, quite amazing! I didn't realise they could do that either!
Yes, girls can spray pee behind them... often at an annoying companion pig!
Well. Glad I have seen this. Going to give the new hutch a coat of pet safe paint on the inside when it arrives. (Guinea pigs not here yet).

Love your pink fleece. Lucky girls!
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