Is this normal?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2009
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I am trying to bond Tara, 15 months, with bonded group, Charlotte, nearly 5, Kizzy, just over 4, and Nico, 2. I wanted her to fit in at the bottom of the group but she has decided she doesn't want to. When I first put them together they were eating the veggies and looked happy but then Tara turned on Kizzy and wouldn't leave her alone. I took her out for a cuddle to calm down and give Kizzy a break from her, when I put her back in she went for Nico. I decided to separate them last night and put Tara so that she could see and smell the others through the bars. I am going to try them again today. I know that nipping and chasing is normal but it freaks me out and Tara seemed really aggressive. I really worry they will hurt each other. Shouldn't Tara recognise that Nico is a boy and he should be in charge? I just hope she doesn't challenge Charlotte, I don't think that would end well.
This does sound perfectly normal. When I first reintroduced a male to my girls, Sophie would not allow him to be leader. He had to fight for about two weeks before she gave in! Did you bond them all on neutral ground?
Yeah, they were in the run in the house. They are snoozing at the moment, i will have to wake them up to change all the fleece and stuff to try again.
I just can't watch them like this. She just keeps going for them. There is hair everywhere. I tried to let them sort it out but then Nico started to fight back and I had to split them up again. They were just a spinning mass of angry pig. At least they don't look injured.
I'm going south on Weds to help my parents out after my Mother's operation so I can't help next weekend. Your inbox is full too by the way.

I think the seeing each other for a while before you try again is a good idea. If there is no blood drawn then it is ok, their body language is all about dominance and can be pretty violent as you know. You will just have to grit your teeth, make it as big an introduction space as you possibly can, be on hand in case and try again.

I would recommend no closed in spaces for the first few days if you can, so no hidey homes. Scatter the veggies as well. And when you do put them together again then leave them together. Don't keep taking her out as Tara will get very confused by this. I also have to say that an ear bite is not the end of the world in piggy terms, but shoulder, face or rump biting is. And have gloves on if you need to extract a biting piggy! (I would personally leave something like a towel in to get soiled by the trio and then let Tara lie on it for a while and rub it all over her before putting her back in too.)

The very best of luck, please keep me updated!
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