Adult Guinea Pig
I am trying to bond Tara, 15 months, with bonded group, Charlotte, nearly 5, Kizzy, just over 4, and Nico, 2. I wanted her to fit in at the bottom of the group but she has decided she doesn't want to. When I first put them together they were eating the veggies and looked happy but then Tara turned on Kizzy and wouldn't leave her alone. I took her out for a cuddle to calm down and give Kizzy a break from her, when I put her back in she went for Nico. I decided to separate them last night and put Tara so that she could see and smell the others through the bars. I am going to try them again today. I know that nipping and chasing is normal but it freaks me out and Tara seemed really aggressive. I really worry they will hurt each other. Shouldn't Tara recognise that Nico is a boy and he should be in charge? I just hope she doesn't challenge Charlotte, I don't think that would end well.