is this normal in settling in period?

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Jul 22, 2011
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hi, i rehomed 2 male guineas last weekend. they are obviously still very nervous and jumpy. they have been out in their run most of today and even when i am watching from afar and not disturbing them, they seem to be permanently hiding and not really moving around much. is this normal? they are eating and pooing ok. thanks
Yes it is, especially on new (and potentially hostile) ground. You can help by covering the run by beach towels, so piggies feel more protected. Dot little hideys around (about 1 foot apart), so they have safe places to explore from. The hideys can be as simple as cardboard boxes with a door opening. It will usually take a few daya and a few trips to the lawn until new guinea pigs are confindent with new surroundings.

Talk to them as often a you can, sit still next to the cage/hutch or run and lure them with little treats. Don't hover over them like a predator. get them used to your hands around, but in a way that they associate them with nice things.
oh thankyou thats put my mind at rest a bit. i do have a few tunnels and bridges in the run- this is what they have been hiding under all day! i have also noticed that they are alot more active in the evening and at dusk -is this also normal?

Totally agree with Wiebke (as usual). Both male and female piggies will take some time settling in. They are so timid by nature that it may take several weeks for them to adjust. This may be prolonged with adopted piggies because they will have moved around more and will take a little longer to settle in.

Patience is required with any new piggy but best of luck. I'm sure they will come around soon and it'll all be worth it :)
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