Is This Normal Bonding?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 24, 2014
Reaction score
Wirral, Merseyside
Does anyone know if this is normal during the bonding process between boars or whether it's separation time please?

I would only separate if they lunge at each other. I've had boys that got a long initially and then fell out after a few days. You could feel the tension between them. If they aren't going to work you will know.
Eurgh really? This was the video I took of my boys (that currently live side by side) a few days ago when I decided to try them together for the last time. I separated them at this point (on the video) because I thought it would turn nasty. I feel bad now and as though I've made a mistake of separating them after they spent 6 hours together that day and only started the worrying behaviour at this point. I desperately want them to get along but I'm no expert at bonding and end up panicking that one of them/both are going to get hurt
I was trying to find a video of my failed bonding I ended up hurting myself trying to separate them. Did your boys have a fight before you separated them the first time? What happened, that led to them living separately?

I just watched it again, I would have separated to. It looks like it's going to escalate.
The reason they are living separately is because if I'm honest.. 2 years ago I got 1 guinea pig from a pet shop. I knew very little about guinea pigs (stupid I know) but only after I got him I started reading this forum. I read that guinea pigs should live in pairs so I rushed out and got another (again another stupid decision). I did research about bonding beforehand and introduced them on neutral territory etc but I just basically panicked every time they went close to eachother and I kept separating (my third mistake). They have never had an actual fight and looking back on the situation I was stupid to separate because the behaviour they displayed was just the normal behaviour in an introduction. The video I posted earlier was by far the worst they have ever been together.

I feel so guilty for the mistakes I made at the beginning of their life and I should of researched guinea pigs first before rushing out to get one. But I absolutely adore the pair of them and they're treated like my partner and I's children, spoilt rotten. They live side by side in c&c cages and do communicate through the bars but I know they would be happier with a compatible companion, which is why I'm desperately trying to do so but can't decide the best option of whether adopting boars or neutering them and adopting sows :( I've been back and forth in the decision making for weeks
I made the same mistake as you, I also knew very little back about 6 years ago I got my Fred who I decided to pair with a baby boar because it wasn't fair him being on his own they ended up falling out and having a big bust up. I had to give Marvin up to rescue as I did a lot of travelling and it just wasn't practical. A decision I still regret, he did end up being neutered and living a very happy life so all was not lost. Don't feel bad your trying to do what's right for your boys.
I know I'm trying to do my best for them now but just wish I would have researched things before I got a guinea pig instead of after. Also I really think that pet shops should be made to tell potential owners more information on the pets they are selling. The shop assistant where I got my first boy from didn't tell me anything except he will need food and hay, didn't mention anything about pairs or veg. She also sold me a small cage. It's a good job I did research because I bet a lot of people don't and their pigs will unfortunately live a sad and lonely life :(
I know I'm trying to do my best for them now but just wish I would have researched things before I got a guinea pig instead of after. Also I really think that pet shops should be made to tell potential owners more information on the pets they are selling. The shop assistant where I got my first boy from didn't tell me anything except he will need food and hay, didn't mention anything about pairs or veg. She also sold me a small cage. It's a good job I did research because I bet a lot of people don't and their pigs will unfortunately live a sad and lonely life :(
Pet shops don't tell prospective owners these things because, first of all, they probably don't know much more than the average impulse pet buyer, and because if people really thought about what goes into having pets, probably fewer people would buy pets and their bottom line, basically, is sell more pets to more people for profit and anything that happens after the money exchanges hands is not their problem.

As to your two boys, I know very little about bonding boars, as I've always had sows. One of my very dominant sows used to do that 'neck bite' thing periodically, even with long-term cagemates. No skin was ever broken, she was just throwing her weight around as she was very much an alpha pig who made very sure that everyone else was aware of that fact. If they are living side by side, is reintroducing them an option? Good luck whatever you decide- interpreting animal behavior is so stressful. We don't speak the same language as them and of course we want what's best and don't want anyone hurt!
The reason they are living separately is because if I'm honest.. 2 years ago I got 1 guinea pig from a pet shop. I knew very little about guinea pigs (stupid I know) but only after I got him I started reading this forum. I read that guinea pigs should live in pairs so I rushed out and got another (again another stupid decision). I did research about bonding beforehand and introduced them on neutral territory etc but I just basically panicked every time they went close to eachother and I kept separating (my third mistake). They have never had an actual fight and looking back on the situation I was stupid to separate because the behaviour they displayed was just the normal behaviour in an introduction. The video I posted earlier was by far the worst they have ever been together.

I feel so guilty for the mistakes I made at the beginning of their life and I should of researched guinea pigs first before rushing out to get one. But I absolutely adore the pair of them and they're treated like my partner and I's children, spoilt rotten. They live side by side in c&c cages and do communicate through the bars but I know they would be happier with a compatible companion, which is why I'm desperately trying to do so but can't decide the best option of whether adopting boars or neutering them and adopting sows :( I've been back and forth in the decision making for weeks

Looking at the video, it looks like they are collectively going through territory fight for dominate with noses up and nips at fur. I don't know what size cage you can make but maybe it's not big enough. Also, I would suggest that maybe there's someone you know who could step in and handle introductions for you in a huge open space so you don't have to witness it on behalf of your Pigs? Maybe you could sit in the other room while they facilitate the situation. I think they would be fine but it's hard for you to watch which is understandable. Maybe there's a friend, uncle, dad, or someone who could watch them for you and allow them to get to that place. I have a friend who works in medical with very tough skin who could handle tough things who I had come and help which was great. they aren't emotionally connected and could handle the boys
They were in a 4x4 c&c cage so it was well big enough. I agree that someone else may be better at bonding them but I think everyone I know personally would be equally as paranoid as me because they know how much my pigs mean to me, they would be scared to take on the responsibility or if they did agree to it they would probs separate them too early also as they would worry they would get hurt which would obviously upset me
I bonded my to boars and they did exactly this!
and mine kept mounting each other for about 3 weeks after and now they are happy together :)
Try giving cavy corner a Guinea pig charity a call, they might be able to help!
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