Is this normal boar behaviour?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 14, 2011
Reaction score
I'm 2 weeks in to having 2 male Guinea Pigs from a rescue centre. No problems until now. One is 5months old and one 10months. The past two days Ive observed the older one even though smaller in size chasing the other and then occasionally if he gets close enough nudge or headbutt the younger one he never retaliates and always runs away.
They have plenty of space but at night share a small hutch . I'm concerned what might happen in such close contact.
Tonight when i put them back in the hutch they appeared quite happy together and were eating from the same dish .
Am i being over anxious or should i be concerned ?
Can anyone give me advice as I'm new to owning piggies.:{
My 2 do this, then they are fine again. Unless they actually start to fight and draw blood then let them get on with it. And yes it is normal behaviour as one will always be the dominant one :)
Yep, this seems like normal boar behaviour to me-
check out this thread
The link gives really useful advice.

My boars display typical boar Dominance behaviour on a daily basis.

Boars generally have less fallouts if they have more space as they generally like to have their own place to rest and get away from each other if they want to. How big is your hutch? I have found also that they tend to reinforce dominance when they are moved from say outdoor run or play pen back into the cage.
I have 3 boars and they all act like that :) Especially at your boar's ages, they're like hormonal teenagers :)) I can only advise maybe getting them a bigger hutch for the night, so they have room to get away from each other

Hope this helps! :)
I have two boars too, I've had them for around 8 months now.

Mine don't headbutt eachother, but chattering teeth and chasing sometimes occurs. They soon settle down and are best friends again though.
They just have off days, sometimes they irritate eachother more than others. They'll soon settle down once its established who is boss.

Mine argue alot, rolleyes But they are still best friends, I think they are bonded really well. :)
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