Is this normal behaviour and will it settle?

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Tommies Mam

Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
Tyne and Wear
I have just got a new piggy today and at the same time collected two other piggies Jimmy and Jack who I am going to deliver to their new home next week, since their arrival Sparky has been behaving oddly.

Tommy doesn't seem to bothered but Sparky seems a bit freaked by it. Tommy and Sparkys cage is on a stand above the cage Jack and Jimmy is in I have already caught Sparky sat directly on top of Tommy and he's skulking round as though under threat and listening intently at the cage bars. I am guessing that it is fairly normal behaviour because he' knows there are other blokes in the vacinity and he's ready to protect his kingdom, is there anything I can do to help him settle.

Is it possible for you to put Jack and Jimmy's cage somewhere away from Tommy and Sparky's?

My boys Tom and Jez were brothers who'd (so I was told) lived together all their lives, but within days of arriving here they started to squabble and things got worse and worse. :-\

I was told it was 'probably' because I'd put their cage next to Sam and Roo's and they got upset at smelling other boars.

Julie(Boureki) and Marty also had a similar experience - a previously happy pair of bonded boars fell out when they had another boar put next to them.

Many pairs of boars are not at all upset at having others around - Sam and Roo are still best friends despite the arrival of Tom and Jez, and many others on this forum keep several boars near each other. But it does seem that you can get the occasional pairing which breaks down if they smell other boars and it would be a pity for your permanent pair to fall out just because you were fostering for a few days. :'(
Thanks for your reply, that was my big concern that Tommy and Sparky would fall out luckily it seems that his behaviour returned to normal within a couple of hours.
My lot all behave like this when there is a new piggy about but they always seem to settle down in no time at all
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