Teenage Guinea Pig
Hi everyone. My piggy Spike had a minor op about a month ago, there were some complications so his recovery has taken longer and he has been pampered quite a bit. He loves coming on the couch for snuggles, it has become quite a routine thing now. Since he is now better I decided it was time to start getting his cage mate out too, they get on fine in the pen. But when I got Sunny out to be with him, Spike went nuts! Squealing and flinging himself around in temper, then he nipped Sunny. I find this odd as Sunny is top pig in the cage and Spike doesn't cross him. I went to intervene, Sunny thought I was Spike so I got a nip and it was general chaos until I put them back!
Was this jealousy do you think? Any suggestions on how I stop it? Spike is very attached to me, he cries if I get up briefly when hes on the couch and if he's in his pen he shouts to be lifted out when I go in the room. I don't want to break this bond but I want to be able to cuddle Sunny too!
Was this jealousy do you think? Any suggestions on how I stop it? Spike is very attached to me, he cries if I get up briefly when hes on the couch and if he's in his pen he shouts to be lifted out when I go in the room. I don't want to break this bond but I want to be able to cuddle Sunny too!