Is this jealousy?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
North of England
Hi everyone. My piggy Spike had a minor op about a month ago, there were some complications so his recovery has taken longer and he has been pampered quite a bit. He loves coming on the couch for snuggles, it has become quite a routine thing now. Since he is now better I decided it was time to start getting his cage mate out too, they get on fine in the pen. But when I got Sunny out to be with him, Spike went nuts! Squealing and flinging himself around in temper, then he nipped Sunny. I find this odd as Sunny is top pig in the cage and Spike doesn't cross him. I went to intervene, Sunny thought I was Spike so I got a nip and it was general chaos until I put them back!
Was this jealousy do you think? Any suggestions on how I stop it? Spike is very attached to me, he cries if I get up briefly when hes on the couch and if he's in his pen he shouts to be lifted out when I go in the room. I don't want to break this bond but I want to be able to cuddle Sunny too!
I understand, ive had something very similar.

I just continued with having them both but ensuring they both get the same cuddle, stroking time and slowly start to spread the seconds between the strokes. Sounds excessive but it worked for me.

If it was a case of two piggies at the same time requiring dudes then the above was ok, but separating the two when there is ony two is more prolematic.
Spread the love

Hope your finger is ok.
My dominant pig, Linney, gets very angry if I hold her and her cagemate at the same time- she would nip at the other pig and generally try to run them off and a piggie fight would ensue. It was pretty obvious that she did NOT want to share a lap with her sister, even if she was willing to share everything else with her! I have just developed the habit of only holding one at once. I don't iknow if she would still react that way since she has mellowed with age, but she definitely had a jealousy fit if I held both pigs in her younger days!
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