Is This Crazy Running Normal?!

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New Born Pup
Aug 18, 2015
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I'm new to the world of guinea pigs as we've only had our two baby sows for a fortnight (11 weeks old now). They have settled in well and have a big enclosure of about 24 square foot :-) It has been a pleasure to see them growing more confident with us and we frequently see them exploring, running and popcorning. However, twice this week I have seen one if them, Smartie running around in a crazy, manic way. She literally tears around faster than Usain Bolt dodging and weaving around obstacles in her path. She makes wheeking noises and stops now and then to graze on her fave romaine lettuce and then whizzes off again. Is this happy behaviour or has she been possessed?! Bramble joins in, but Smartie is the ringleader. I'm worried they'll run into the summerhouse wall/pigloo and knock themselves out!
Oh lucky you. It is a joy to watch them so happy running around when they are young. :nod:

Perhaps you could take a video and post it on the forum for us as we would all like to share in this wonderful experience :yahoo:

Once they get older like mine they don't tend to do this as much. A much more sedate pace is required.:lol!:
My boys were recently a year old and they became much less excitable almost overnight, enjoy happy youngsters while you can. Saying that they got quite excited today, the clean vetbed had got creased in storage and they were running round the cage leaping over the bump and calling each other while they ran. Little things and little minds!
I always think it's like a toddler, once they can run without falling over they need to test how fast they can manage and it gives them sheer joy to test it out lol x
Can't wait to see the video. My 17 month old boys have wonderful chases at speed round their run. I love watching it but never organised enough to video it.
Would you believe I've taken my mobile in to the summerhouse every day since writing my post ready to video and the little monkeys haven't done any proper zoomies since! They do a couple of laps and a bit of popcorning, but nothing like the manic zoomies they did last week :-( I'll keep trying!
I have a 6 year old boy who still does zoomies and pop corns like crazy! More so than ever! We have a large living room and he whizzes around on a particular course which involves going around the sofa and coffee table, a quick stop for a pee break in his carry bag and a nibble then repeat. He is very very fast and makes a wonderful padding noise on the carpet as he zooms along. It's an absolute joy to watch, as is his deep sleep when hes done ! Sadly my other girl is now blind so just sits 'watching' with her whiskers in bewilderment!
I have a 6 year old boy who still does zoomies and pop corns like crazy! More so than ever! We have a large living room and he whizzes around on a particular course which involves going around the sofa and coffee table, a quick stop for a pee break in his carry bag and a nibble then repeat. He is very very fast and makes a wonderful padding noise on the carpet as he zooms along. It's an absolute joy to watch, as is his deep sleep when hes done ! Sadly my other girl is now blind so just sits 'watching' with her whiskers in bewilderment!
I love the padding sound too! The run is set up in an upstairs room and when the zooming starts I hear the pitter patter of piggy feet from downstairs. It's cute!
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