is this correct?

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Jul 9, 2011
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I have now had my guinea pigs for 1 week today and now they have settled in to their indoor home i want to get them a triangular 4-5foot run with the section they can hide in. It has doors on the side which i i will attatch a lock on for safety etc

My question is i went to my local pet shop and was enquiring about their runs and i got told that the only time i should put them in their run is when i am watching them at all times as guinea pigs have a tendency to burrow into the ground and escape.. Is this true?

I thought i would be able to (if it was a fairly nice day-not too hot) put them in their run with food and water, lock the cage door and leave them outside for the day before bringing them in.. Can i do this?

Whilst the weather is nice i thought it would be lovely for them to spend the day in the garden eating the lovely fresh grass and getting some air, but now i feel hesitant and scared as i dont want to come home and they have burrowed under ground and escaped from their run,, any help i will be extremly appreciated thanks x
Guinea pigs don't burrow like rabbits, although they can fit throuh tight gaps so it would need to be on a level surface:)

I leave mine in their run for a few hours when I'm home, in a strong run with plenty of shade, water food etc and the lid needs to be strong ad no likely to cave in if a cat comes by.

I am always pottering in the garden but if I go into the house I check on them regularly.

Our garden has a high fence so we don't get foxes in our garden though
I put mine out in their run, in the morning and they stay out all day - if the weather is good. I never ever put them out if its damp / raining.
Cannot say in all the years Ive owned them that they've burrowed under. Do be careful though that something doesnt burrow under into your run. Dog, cat ect.
If it's a nice sunny, warm day I put my lot out and leave them out for 2-3 hours... sometimes more.

I only have 3 runs though, and currently have 4 pairs of boys so they take turns :)).

All mins have solid, wire lids so are safe. None of mine have ever burrowed and I leave them out if I'm at home OR out.
They all have covers on one side so they can have shade and get out of the rain if there's a shower while i'm out.
I'm sorry that made me giggle... silly pet shop...
guinea pigs dont burrow... in the wild they would live in a burrow made by another animal that has been abandoned... or they would live in "tunnels" in long grass...
just make sure there is no small gaps they can fit out of... and that you close the doors... i left the hutch door open on mine and had to try and catch the herd.... took bloody ages..!
as long as your run is secure and has a lid... or triangle shaped... then there is no reason why you cant pop them in there and go and do the washing up or potter round the house if you want...

my lot spend all day in there runs...

i no longer put mine outside, they have an indoor run as my house doesn't have a lawn. But at my old house i had a run and what i used to do, to make it extra secure, was put a few house bricks on the top of the runs lid, like on each corner to weigh it down. When I had a triangular run i used '*' shaped tent pegs to secure it to the ground so they would go though the wire, over and into the ground.
Hay thank you for all your comments, feeling a lot better about it now :) the tent pegs is a good idea- I'm going to get some me thinks, not sure where to get them from though i presume somewhere like wilkos lol-as you can tell i have never been camping before :(|)

thanks everyone x
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