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Is this Bumblefoot?


New Born Pup
Jan 6, 2025
Reaction score
So just checked my guinea pigs feet and also went on Google is this Bumble foot and also how is it treated? Nor sure how it could have got this as I clean the hutch every day


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Unfortunately this looks like bumble foot on the picture. A visit to the vet will tell for sure. Your piggy might need an oral antibiotic as well as foot soaks and treatment with manuca honey or Bepanthen plus or Flammazine. Your vet will give you a treatment plan.

Bumble foot is a complex condition and can be cause by many different things (or a combination of these), like overweight, poor mobility, a scratch that turns nasty. Some breeds seem to be more affected than others.
You have to be extra careful about keeping the bedding dry and clean while it heals.
So just checked my guinea pigs feet and also went on Google is this Bumble foot and also how is it treated? Nor sure how it could have got this as I clean the hutch every day

Hi and welcome

Yes, this unfortunately looks like bumblefoot (pododermatitis). Please see a vet as soon as you can after the weekend.

@Viennese Furbabies and other members with personal experience may be able to help you with practical advice for managing the daily care at home and any of your questions along the way.