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Is this boar glue or something else?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 31, 2021
Reaction score
Picchu keeps getting this white crusty stuff dried on his chin. Is is boar glue or someone else?


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Picchu keeps getting this white crusty stuff dried on his chin. Is is boar glue or someone else?

It's not clear from your picture but boars do masturbate and can produce semen fluid during that process which has a nasty habit of ending up on their nose, lips or chin... :mal:

Either cut it off with scissors if the hair is long enough or wait for it to fall off. 'Boar glue' is a very descriptive name for dried semen fluid!
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
It's not clear from your picture but boars do masturbate and can produce semen fluid during that process which has a nasty habit of ending up on their nose, lips or chin... :mal:

Either cut it off with scissors if the hair is long enough or wait for it to fall off. 'Boar glue' is a very descriptive name for dried semen fluid!
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Oh dear! My boy is growing up 😳 just wasn't sure with it being on the chin, goodness knows what he's been doing