Is This A Suitable Outdoor Pig Home?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 6, 2015
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Recently I've been thinking that I'd like to move the guinea pigs outside. At the moment they live in my room, which is very cramped for all of us! I want to give them a bit more space so I've been doing some research and found this outdoor house for them:

Your Requirement of Rabbit Hutches, Fulfilled for Good
I would also have space for a larger one in the garden. It could also go on the patio by the side of the house which is a bit more sheltered but doesn't get much sun.

My concern is whether it will be warm enough on colder/windy days? If it will be secure from badgers? And also if the enclosed house part is big enough for two boys? They're very well-bonded and don't often squabble, but just in case!

I would still have the option to bring them inside in the winter like they are now.

What are your thoughts/advice?
:D I think either one of those would make a fabulous home for your piggies. The white one, being designed for rabbits, will have that much more room for piggies, and there is a waterproof cover available too. The Balmoral is a lovely hutch too, but there is not much grass space. You will want to move them sooner or later, depending on how much grass your piggies eat. Do you think they will be easy to move?

Just re-read your post. Do you have problems with Badgers? I have never heard of Badgers going for pigs. Perhaps you could lay wire mesh under the earth in and around where you are going to put the hutch to stop them burrowing into it.
I would say there are three issues. Firstly it is much smaller than it looks, only 180cm long and 44cm wide- so only 0.8msq. Not much for two boars. Secondly, the amount of 'dry' space is very small. Thirdly, don't underestimate how hard it is to catch creatures in these low runs. I have a 2m run on an elgu go and it's a nightmare if you need to catch somebody in it. I have to send my 5yo in to herd them out!

Maybe have a look at the 'run around' website. You could have a standard hutch and a tube to a bigger run. You can shut the tubes off so piggies are easier to catch.
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