Is This A Stable Bond? Should I Separate?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score

I have 4 boars in 2 pairs. One of my pairs is 2 year old Charlie with 1 1/2 year old Harry. They have been bonded from when Harry was 9 weeks old. They live in a 6 grid x 2 grid c & c cage, in an L shape. Their bond has always been fragile and they've never been cuddly towards each other. They have 2 of everything in their cage, spaced well apart.

Charlie is very dominant and Harry is very submissive. Harry does squeal submissively, usually whenever Charlie moves towards him. Harry always runs away, even from food if Charlie moves towards him. However when I hand feed them treats or their veg, they'll stand beside each other to get the food, however if Charlie touches Harry, he'll run off. They rarely sit together. Charlie does hump Harry and Harry will stand but squeals. Even during floor time, there's chasing. Harry is a healthy weight, he's larger than Charlie but then the food is spaced apart so he can get his share of the food.

Should I seperate? There's never been any blood or bites. I'm worried about separating because when Charlie had bars between him and a piggy before, he'd lunge at the bars and rumblestrut and pace constantly along the bars. I don't know if he would do that again if he had a divider in the cage.
Hi! As long as Harry is OK with it, then things are fine.

See how Harry is away from Charlie. A bullied piggy is perking up noticeably when away from its tormentor. that should give you the clue whether they are working together or whether they'd be better off as neighbours with interaction through the bars, but each with his own territory (which Charlie will of course not enjoy, but get used to if Harry is indeed happy to get away from him).
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
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