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Is this a normal vagina ?


Junior Guinea Pig
May 5, 2020
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the name of the thread but I wasnt sure what to call it.. my 5.5 year old sow has been getting sniffed a lot by her cage mates so I checked her out and I wanted to see if this pinkness is normal for her?
For reference she is spayed after having had tumors but that was 2 years ago or so.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks a lot


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If you have any concerns, then its best to see a vet. I'm afraid we can't know what is her normal colouring
We do see a range of skin colourings (black to white to pink and even patches!) but it's whether your pig's girl bits have undergone any changes recently.
The other thing to consider is whether it's actually her poop generating the interest. When my sow kept nosing under my old boar it was because he had become impacted and there was a big plug of whiffy poop - even I couldn't believe my nose when I found it! This is more a boar problem though, and it was really obvious.

If there's a time you spot the others nosing under, try and extract her at that point to get a look and see if there's anything obviously different. Other than that it's a vet visit if you are worried. She looks a lovely fluffy girl 💕
Hey everyone,

Sorry for the name of the thread but I wasnt sure what to call it.. my 5.5 year old sow has been getting sniffed a lot by her cage mates so I checked her out and I wanted to see if this pinkness is normal for her?
For reference she is spayed after having had tumors but that was 2 years ago or so.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks a lot


Yes, that looks normal to me; the pink part would normally have white hair. It is not looking red or swollen.

You may want to have her vet checked for ovarian cysts or a potential infection in either her reproductive trat or the urinary tract if there has been a sudden persistent change and not just a short-term change in hormone related pheromone output. This would be more in the way of a non-urgent MOT.