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Is this a normal penis? (New owner, please help)


New Born Pup
Jul 15, 2022
Reaction score
So I rescued my lil dudes a while back and recieves mixed information about boar cleaning where sometimes it's necessary and other times it doesn't cause any problems. I live alone so I find it hard to do any care on a regular basis cause I normally wait for family to visit and rope them in to help, mainly cause my guineas were not treated very well in their previous home and they're still quite skittish about being handled and it really takes two people.

With the warm weather I went to check them for fly strike signs this evening and noticed that the penis on both my boys are different, making one of them look swollen and I couldnt get it to come out when I cleaned him.

It's quite difficult to Google "normal guinea pig penis" and gave me some interesting results. Some people reckon the penis not coming out isn't necessarily a bad thing in isolation, but also the pictures varied and got me thinking am I worrying over nothing and my guineas just have different sized genitals?

At risk of paying 50 quid for a vet to potentially tell me I'm being a proxy hypochondriac, thought I'd try here first and see if anyone can tell me if this picture looks normal?

I'm very nervous, so thank you in advance!

I couldn't manage to link the picture, it's posted here.

(sorry in advance) is this a normal guinea pig penis? : Appropriate_Dig_1111
It’s better if you post a clear photo on here rather than the link to Reddit. I believe quite a few May not have it.

You’ll have to wait a little longer to be able to attach files on here.
I don't express George's penis... he would be horrified by the prospect. I can see your picture and I can't see anything that would alarm me, but I've not had that many boars. I think they are all different though. I would be looking for anything swollen, red or purply that might indicate restricted blood flow or damage. Is this link any help?
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
It’s better if you post a clear photo on here rather than the link to Reddit. I believe quite a few May not have it.

You’ll have to wait a little longer to be able to attach files on here.
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, as you said, I am unable to do so at the moment as I havent been a member very long. When I am able to I will make sure to do so
I don't express George's penis... he would be horrified by the prospect. I can see your picture and I can't see anything that would alarm me, but I've not had that many boars. I think they are all different though. I would be looking for anything swollen, red or purply that might indicate restricted blood flow or damage. Is this link any help?
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Link is very helpful, thank you!
Thank you for the advice. Unfortunately, as you said, I am unable to do so at the moment as I havent been a member very long. When I am able to I will make sure to do so

You should be able to add a picture now - it seems that once you show as ‘new born pup’ (the words under your avatar) then you can add pictures. It just takes a little while in the background for your registration to finish (and to show as new born pup) but to my knowledge, it usually seems to be within a couple of hours of joining.