Is This A Good Thing?


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 14, 2018
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I’ve had my new baby piggy for almost a week and I want to know if what she’s doing is normal or good. Whenever I take her out for floor time or to just hang out, she likes to crawl up my chest perch on my shoulder like a little parrot. She also likes to climb into and up my sleeves and gets grumpy when I try to take her out. Today I discovered that she likes to burrow in my beanies and does not like to be taken out. She’ll eat out of my hand as well and licks a lot. The only down side to this seemingly good behavior is that she hides in her cage constantly and I never see her. I’m worried she’s not drinking enough water, but she does eat all the veggies and pellets I leave out for her. She’s not that interested in hay either. If anyone can assure me that I’m doing the right thing or if I need to stop/changenthat would be fantastic, thank you!
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The fact she's not eating any hay is worrying as hay should make up 80% of a piggies diet. My lot (I have 5) can't get enough of hay and are constantly stuffing it into their faces and down their necks. Have you tried a different brand? What does your hay smell like? Does it smell nice and fresh? This time of year hay isn't it's best as it is last years cut and it all depends how it has been stored. Sometimes when they put it in those plastic bags for sale the hay can sweat making it go off. Have you a farm near you? I get my hay for my piggies from there. My lovely late Mum used to go there for straw for the ducks and recommended it to me. I can get a farm bale for a fiver.

A week is not a lot of time for your piggy to be in a strange new world. The fact that she'll eat out of your hand already and covers you in piggy kisses is a good sign that she is starting to trust you. Piggies like hiding they are prey animals and they like to feel safe. She is not displaying "good behaviour" she is running on survival mode at the moment. You need to leave piggies for at least 2 to 3 days to start to get to know their new environment. Put yourself in her shoes. She has been ripped away from her family, shoved in a shop where there are lots of scary noises then she has been bought by you and put somewhere else big and scary with a big scary giant with hands the same size as her who makes loud noises she doesn't understand. You have to let her learn that you are not goint to hurt her. You know this but she doesn't.

Have a read of these threads they will be able to help you understand more about what being a piggie slave is all about and how to settle your new piggy:-

Getting Started - New Owners' Most Helpful Guides
I can't add to what @Betsy has said other than to say that you are so lucky to have a piggy snuggling up and giving you kisses. It bodes well for the future. None of mine give kisses, but one does climb on my shoulder - to hide under my hair! Maybe that's what she's doing? They do love being under of mine used to tunnel under the fleece and all you saw of him was a lump moving around - he can't do it now because I made liners, but he still spends most of his time in a hidey or a tunnel.
Is she on her own? They do love and need company of their own kind. Which is probably why she’s feeling safe with you but not on her own in her cage.
Welcome to the forum.
I can’t add to what the others have said but mine also like hiding.
I know where they are by which hidey is moving!
Please let us see pictures.
Thank you all for your help, since I made this thread I’ve made sure to only take her out to clean and have floor time when she is high energy so that she can’t get used to her new home. She now comes out of hiding when I’m in the room and lets me hand feed her in her cage. Here are some pictures of miss Peggy


Hi, what a lovely piggy. I've had piggies that like to hide up sleeves and sit almost on your shoulder. They got more confident in time, but still do love to snuggle on a shoulder sometimes (only allowed during lap time on the settee).
Hugs to you both.xx