Is This A Good Sign?


Adult Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2014
Reaction score
Jersey - Channel Islands
Tonight I cleaned out the c&c cage and put a divider in it, rearranged it all and popped Jet one side and biscuit the other. They have both gone to sleep near the divider!

Although she is now through quarantine I haven't tried them together as she is going to the vets for a day in a week and I didn't want to put her in then out and the little ones will be with us soon so I wanted to bond all together. But Jet and his brother bonded through bars.
It sounds like a good sign, but of course until they are properly together it is always difficult to know.
But just to confirm - Jet is neutered, and this was done at least 6 weeks ago right?
Mine get on fine through the bars but not when they are together. Very annoying!
My neutered boar Caramel was living next to Mistletoe and Jingle for 6 weeks with just grids between them (2 grids thick just in case). I fed them near the grids so that they got used to eating close together.

They have bonded seamlessly. Caramel has been very polite and non pushy with the sows. Bless him.

Hope your bond goes smoothly once the 6 weeks are up.