Is there any foods your guinea pigs do not like?

I think ours aren't too fussy really, but on the other hand they really like courgette and quite a few piggies don't.
Mine never ate courgette or broccoli and weren't massive fans of cabbage. Spring green cabbages were quite popular though...
@fluffysal My piggies would have eaten fruit till they popped if I'd let them. A honeydew melon piece always made nail clipping a breeze.
Micah’s favourite food is a green bean, Ruth’s is cucumber.
Really they like almost everything except lamb’s lettuce
A small piece of mashed banana is the best treat ever
Asparagus. I still remember Bann picking up a piece because he thought it was a green bean and he couldn't get it back out of his mouth again quick enough.
I have never yet come across a piggy who does like asparagus :vom: Also recently I gave mine some lovely fresh swede. I thought it would make a change and was cheap as veggies go. They did NOT like it
I have never yet come across a piggy who does like asparagus :vom: Also recently I gave mine some lovely fresh swede. I thought it would make a change and was cheap as veggies go. They did NOT like it

I mean, I'm a horrible person, because I was too busy laughing at Bann to do anything as he was trying to drag it the food off his tongue and out of his mouth. Heidi had said they didn't like asparagus when I adopted them but I had some in the house, figured I'd try it. They avoided it til Bann dropped a bean next to it and his nose failed him when picking food back up. Sorry, Bann.
Hector hates oranges, even the smell sends him running, while Kiki, Posh and Ginger love a little morsel of any type of orange
Courgette was only one of two things Blitzen refused to eat (the other being strawberries). I don't like them either so I'm not planning on testing the goblins out on that front, lol. Other than that Blitzen would eat almost anything, much to Comet's disgust lol.
One of mine hates basil. To the point where she won’t eat anything that has touched it. She can’t have it now due to bladder issues anyway.
Oh asparagus definitely is a big no! One of mine enjoyed ear scratches with asparagus, tho. So it's not completely useless ... We also used them as 'wand' for Asparagus spell (Hermione's voice) before binning them. So other than entertainment they have no value.

Other than that they all eat everything, even if in smaller amounts. Two not keen on green beans, one likes them- his name is Panda Bean, so probably why :))
I grow my own courgettes, so they generally like it, but by the end of summer we're all fed up of courgettes- myself included.

BeanBag likes mainly salads and leafy veggies.
Ing.Spudnik loves peppers.
Cheeto is basically a garbage bin that'll eat almost anything that can't eat him, but he did try to nibble on our cat...
I had the funniest (and fussiest) piggy. She refused every treat we tried, only liked her hay when it had been stuffed into a toilet roll tube and when we gave cucumber she’d eat the crunchy edge and leave the rest.
I always felt bad when the others got a treat and she didn’t but luckily we discovered that she loved oats so when the others got treats she got some oats haha
I was so excited to see pea flakes in stores in Ontario because I see from so many posters that their pigs LOVE them! That was a big no... wouldn't touch them. Actually took them from my hand, dropped them on the ground, and kept looking for the food.

Out of my current pigs, the only thing they really don't like that I regularly offer is peppers. Leela really liked them so I'm used to offering them, but Tomie never liked them and Misa won't eat them either.
I was so excited to see pea flakes in stores in Ontario because I see from so many posters that their pigs LOVE them! That was a big no... wouldn't touch them. Actually took them from my hand, dropped them on the ground, and kept looking for the food.
Send them over the pond. Thea, Misty and Bramble practically bite my hands off at the mere mention of pea flakes!
I have been informed by someone, who fed the goblins a pea flake or two, that apparently they take said pea flakes into their mouths like inserting a cd-rom. That was months ago and I can never unsee it, lol.
Haha! That's a great description!