Is there a setup that might help avoid haypoke?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
I feel like the answer is ‘no’ but wanted to see if there are any suggestions anyway :lol:

Tofu is currently being treated for his third haypoke of the year - the last one was only in July! I asked the vet if there’s anything I can do to reduce the chances of him getting it and she said not really, the types of hay I use (meadow from DustFreeHay and Timothy from HayBox) are okay and other than watching that I don’t have any spiky bits sticking up from under hideys, there’s not much I can do. She also said Tofu might have a weakened area in his eye from where it was infected last time as this poke is in exactly the same spot

I’m looking at my cage setup and wondering if there’s a better way I could have it organised. Currently I have three spots for hay - the meadow hay is split between a cat litter tray and either a carrot cottage or paper bag, and then a small pile of timothy in the front of the cage that gets changed out a couple times a day. It does usually end up all over the cage because they run through it so much, I sweep them once a day to keep it as clear as possible. Pic below from a couple months ago to see how I usually have it


Their current carrot cottage is almost torn through so I’ll be switching that back to a paper bag soon, but now I’m wondering whether to just ditch it all together and keep the hay mostly confined to the tray. Tofu loves hay diving and they both like sleeping in the paper bags, but maybe if he only had one area to do it in he’d be less likely to encounter spikes? The rest of my cage is fleece. We’re (hopefully) moving in a couple of months to a more permanent house and I want to upgrade their cage then (they’re in a 5x2 right now) - maybe having more space to run in would help too?

I have a feeling haypoke is just a thing that happens with piggies and I got lucky to never encounter it before this year. I haven’t changed my setup in that time and I’d hate to reduce their hay for no reason, though Tofu does have very little self control when faced with a giant pile of hay and he *will* dive in head-first so maybe I should just give him less opportunity to spare him from the dreaded eye drops 😅

More piggie tax

One of mine had a haypoke this summer and I was £150 at the vet for something that can be bought over the counter at the chemist! Very annoying!

Whilst it healed i just had fleece and fleece cozies for sleeping and i have one of those large wooden cylindrical hay holders so i filled that with timothy hay.

I have now gone back to hay everywhere though so it could happen again!

They do like their hay holder though so maybe that's one you could look at?
There isn’t much you can do to prevent it. Piggies need hay and love playing in hay - they get them with or without hay holders (which I personally don’t like using anyway).

All four of mine are fully bedded in meadow hay and have orchard hay in piles.
In 5.5 years my eldest two have had haypoke only two of three times in their lives. The younger two have been with me nearly a year and haven’t had it happen.
It’s just one of those things - it either happens or it doesn’t.
I am sorry to hear your piggy is suffering from hay pokes.
Mine have boxes and paper bags stuffed with hay but mainly hay piles. I use soft meadow hay in the bags and boxes and stalky timothy in piles. I've only had one hay 'poke' more a rub in all the time I've had piggies. Peanut got a soft grass leaf caught under his eye lid and it rubbed the eye into an ulcer.
My boars all love to burrow and dive into the hay and I'm often heard to say 'calm down, mind your eyes'! I've probably jinxed it now but I do think it's down to luck.
Sorry about the haypokes but given that piggies love hay I think the best you can do is just keep a careful eye on them and head to the vet as soon as you see something.
Mine love burrowing in the hay piles and watching a pile of hay wander around a cage and devouring veggies is great fun.
Thanks everyone - I would hate to reduce the hay piles because they love diving and burrowing through them so much. I think I’ve just had a streak of bad luck with Tofu and was feeling bad I might have done something to cause it, but sounds like it’s just a thing that happens to piggies sometimes

I might switch to solely meadow hay in paper bags/the tray and keep the Timothy to a smaller pile - although the hay pokes have all been from grass seeds in the meadow so far. Tofu’s got stuck under his top eyelid last time and this time too and it’s caused another ulcer in the same exact spot as last time so it may just be his eye is weaker there too - the drops are helping and he’s very happy to be on a painkiller

As soon as I put their hay in this morning Tofu dove right into the middle again while Noodle nibbled on the outside. I think hay poke might just be a hazard of Tofu’s personality 😂 I’d rather he had the fun and I keep an eye out and pop him to the vet every time it happens rather than reduce his enrichment

Here are the rascals after their cage sweep/spot clean

We use meadow hay for bedding and keep the timothy hay in the hay rack to limit the risk as much as possible but our two never learn :no:
I've always counted myself lucky on the haypoke front, because the goblins won't eat hay unless it fights back, won't go near soft hay if they don't 100% absolutely-will-die-otherwise have to, both of them have slightly bulgy eyes, and Cam likes sleeping in said hay occasionally. But I can't stop it happening, it's not like I can explain to them why it's a dangerous idea.