Is there a proper way to pick up pigs

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I pick mine up with one hand around their middle and then a hand straight away under their bum. Once out of the cage I hold them to my chest gently with both hands, I have always got them supported underneath and I'm really careful with them.
The younger ones are much harder to catch though lol My youngest and newest edition just runs around like a maniac, so it can be difficult with him. He also likes to try and jump out of my hands, once he managed to race up over my shoulder and onto my back haha I had to bend over very quickly so he didn't fall off! I looked like a surf board for a piggy.
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Thanks eveyone,

that's how we pick them up.

They sometimes squeal just as you pick them up, but once cought they sit quite quietly on my lap or chest.

Though occasionly they just dont seem to want to be picked up at all..........
I use both hands and have their front legs between my thumb and first finger, then one hand will be supporting their tummy and the other their back. I then place them on my chest and have one hand under their bum and the other on their back. Mine are wrigglers unless they are against my chest, so if I'm carrying them I always put them against my chest, just feels safer.
Our girls still squeal when you pick them up, have no idea why as they aren't in pain, just habit i suppose?
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