Is The Group Broken Beyond Repair?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2011
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I have a group of guinea pigs - four girls and a boy, ranging from 7 months to 4.5 years. They lived quite happily as a group and established their roles - Elma as the boss, Glinda as her passive second in command, then placid Eric, then feisty Clara, then timid Missy.

There were some squabbles between Elma and Clara, but nothing too serious.

About a month or even two months ago, Elma developed a respiratory infection and was separated from the group along with Glinda, who also caught it. They were in full quarantine for about two weeks - completely separate from the others. They're now in the same room, side by side, but Glinda hasn't recovered yet due to pre-existing poor health.

I've been trying to keep their bonds strong by mixing them on clean out days (twice a week) and during lap time.

Yesterday, Elma and Clara were together eating hay and I had Eric on my lap, ready to put him in as well, when I noticed trouble brewing. I reached over to lift Clara out but wasn't quick enough and I was bitten quite badly by Elma (there was so much blood!). I immediately separated them and returned them all to their groups of two and three.

I read that the general rule is, once a pair of guinea pigs have drawn blood, there's no way they'll ever get on again. (Obviously there are stages before then where it's advisable not to continue) Does it count if it was my blood that was drawn? :)) But seriously - is there any hope of them reconciling? I was going to try them again in a much larger space, but I don't want to do that if they're just going to attack each other again, and it may not be me who takes the hit next time! (I'd rather I was the one injured!) I had hoped to have their houses connected up again before Christmas :(
Yes. When one of my girls (Peanut) needed surgery, I had to quarantine her for 6 weeks by herself in her own cage. When I returned her, there were squabbles but it worked itself out. Peanut had to re-establish herself as the herd leader but after it was was one happy herd again. They just need time to sort things out.

When it is time to put them back in the same cage, follow introduction procedures as if you had a new guinea pig.
It is always a toss up whether it works out or not. Sometimes, it does, sometimes it doesn't.

If there have been latent issues beforehand, then they can become more open and can mean that those sows will never really get on again, especially when they get to the serious fighting stage. In your case, Elma was likely already on edge and then spooked by your hand resembling a flying tackle for a moment. I have been faced with this situation before.

However, please follow the full formal introduction protocol. If your two girls cannot come to an agreement and if it impacts on the whole group leading to constant squabbling and general tension, then please separate. Sows can have fall-outs, but they are usually not quite as spectacular as males.
I think they could all be a herd again, but I don't think you should throw them together for a little while and with a few pigs and then separate them again. If one is out then they should be out of the herd until well and then you have to do re-introductions. From what it sounds like is that Elma feels like she lost her thrown and saw a chance to really show Clara who's boss pig, but without all other pigs present to watch. It doesn't really doesn't make sense for them to visit each other, establish a dynamic for a few hours then break it up. They can't objectively understand what your doing.
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