Is spring in the air... or what?

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furryfriends (TEAS)

Forum Founder
Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2006
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Director at TEAS (East Hunsbury) Northampton
Don't know whether they know the better weather is just around the corner but my piggies are all in a very frisky mood! ;) They are all bonking one another! LOL Don't worry its all male/male or female/female combinations! In fact the only two who aren't are my female/neutered male combination! They are calmly pottering around their cage like an old married couple! LOL

It got so crazy in the night that my little house rabbit came and woke me up! Don't think he could cope with all the frenzied activity anymore. It was like all hell had broken loose. It still hasn't calmed down now! I was hoping for a lazy start to the day but no chance!
It funny you should say that - my sister has just 2 boars & she says that they're really starting to smell more - she cleans them out every 5 days & they're indoor pigs. She recons that its Spring thats causing it.
Haha :P I wouldn't know because my boars are seperated at the moment (they can still see/smell/hear eachother, it's a split C&C cage)..kinda glad in a way now :D
LOL - when the curtains are open and everyone sees the sun, they all have a little popcorn!

Not long now till they can go outside daily :)
It's funny you should mention your sister's boars smelling more hils because I thought mine smelt more "manly" than normal when I opened up the shed this morning, despite being thoroughly cleaned out yesterday! Must be something in the air! Roll on spring - I'm fed up with the rain, and as a southern I know I shouldn't moan about it, because we do still need it, but come on, enough is enough ;D ;D
Funny this morning whilst feeding Duke he stuck his nose up in the air cause the window was open, he was really taking in a good sniff of the morning air. Wish he could go out in it, but there's no grass, all dead will have to wait till we get lots of rain and then he can go out for some fun in the grass :)

LOL did laugh at all the posts tho ;)
How strange, i noticed "the smell" too - Wilbur & Hamish especially & wondered what was going on, don't ever remember it being quite so pungent ;)
All hell has broken lose in the Chester / Abbie household :o The boys had pretty much given up the chase as they weren't getting anywhere ;D but this morning Chester is chasing with a vengeance and Abbie is letting herself be 'caught'. Is this because she is on heat as it were? Chester mounts then looks very puzzled LMAO He tried to mount her head as well, she didn't appreciate that much :)

But all I can hear is chasing that's shaking the cage, him rumbling and her shrieking  :o Is this all normal behaviour? ::) ;D
Does sound like she may be on heat - as she is letting him have her.

LOL mount her head - The boys and girls both do that seperately :)

Sounds pretty much ok, my girls are like that often! ;)
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