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is something wrong with Roo?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
he hasnt been himself for the last couple of days :-\ i moved him outside as my mum didnt want him in the house and 2 days ago my mum came in from work and said 'your white Guinea Pigs just had a sneezing fit' i went outside to check on him he wasnt sneezing anymore and there was no signs of disscharge... he was fine yesturday very vocal and eating like a pig lol but today he seems quite lethargic :-\ i havent seen him eat/drink so far and hes just lying in the corner of his hutch sleeping hes been teh same since i got up at 11 :-\ I'm really starting to worry now... could the sudden change of being in a warm house to the cold outdoors have done this?
Try getting piggy to eat and drink. If he isn't interested, contact the vet.
I am new to piggies, but this seems to be the advice given.
Let me know how you get on.
Possibly the move has done it. Bring him back indoors where you can keep an eye on him. Its very damp to be moving them outdoors. Try offering some food too- his favourite bits. Don't seperate him from friends either :)

On the other hand it could be a reaction to his new surroundings/new bag of bedding being opened etc.
hi, yes the cold has possibly done this, best thing you can do is get him back inside, get his body temperature back up, and try and tempt him to eat/drink something if your having no luck with him eating on his own you will have to try and get down him by either syringe, or puree off a spoon best thing is either critical care available from www.thistlecavies.co.uk or science recovery, available most pet shops on the net such as www.bunnybasics.co.uk, and probably best to get him checked over by a vet :)
Bringing him inside will be enough to bring the temp up, don't try and do it artificially :)
well i have rung the vet as closer inspection he seemed quite uncomfortable with his mouth which to me looks like a dental problem, i will bring him back inside will just tell my mum that its important that i do this. thanks for your replies there appreciated :)
yeah, if theres something wrong you need to get to the bottom of it, and can only do that by keeping a close eye on him..

does he eat plenty of hay? its possible that his teeth maybe overgrown if you suspect a dental problem, make sure he has plenty of food just incase, try cutting up small so if he is having a problem with his teeth he may be able to pick smaller pieces up better
Whereabouts are you? Dental problems are usually not problems at all when caught in time and the correct treatment given. For now just make sure guinea is getting some food- blended/baby food/Oxbow Critical Care but something :) try offering food too :)
Re: is something wrong with Roo? U/D been to vets

just got back from the vets :( when she had a look in his mouth she said that his teeth were covered in food :o his food was stuck inside his teeth and around she cleaned then as much as she could with cotton buds and then had anothe rlook she then said his teeth looked quite bad hes booked in tomorrow for a dental she said if hes going to need regular dentals it might be kinder to pts :'(
I think there's someone in Cheshire that does dentals without anaesthetic and is good- is that an option for you? You could also phone Vedra of the Cambridge Cavy Trust on 07721 026401 to text/phone and ask for anyone nearby.
awww poor little thing, please do ring vedra or see if there are rodentologists near you as they can do the work without anaesthetic..
Tooth problems are not necessarily a death sentence. If you can find someone as suggested above that can do it without anaesthetic then it would be routine but no reason for euthanasia. I would still keep him inside, too.
dont worry i would never have him pts because of a tooth problem no matter how regular his dentals are... money isnt a problem. i would only ever pts if he seems to be in pain or suffering. i have him inside now and hes eaten abit of veg and had a bit of water before.

thanks for the number i will either text or ring her about nearby cavy vets etc I'm currently using my rabbit vet :-\ i have been a bit nervous about this whole dental as a few of you probably know i lost my piggy patch under aneasthetic having a dental last year. will enquire at the vets tomorrow about them not using aneasthetic and maybe sedating him instead.
If done by7 a competant vet,the use of sedation of any kind is unnecessary.

Does Roo normally live with other piggies?,if so,they sould not be seperated ,bring them in as well.Piggies should not be kept outdoors because they are too sensitive to changes in temperature.Very hot weather can make them ill,and likewise they cannot cope well with cold weather.
Roo lives by himself unfortunatly would get him a female friend but scarred to get him neutered :( hes happy though. my Guinea Pigs live in the shed so i could if need be put a heater in there over the winter months for my other 2 piggys i think my mums going to let me keep Roo inside but theres no way she'd let me keep the other two in as well :-\ i live by myself but its my mums house so i havent really got a say in the matter :-\

so what should a vet really use when doing a dental on a guinea pig? just curious thats all i know aneasthetic can kill them (i learned that the hard way) and thought that sedation was better i just want to know so i can maybe enquire about it tomorrow.
By sedation I take it you mean a 'whiff' of gas? This is harmless enough as a one off (as is anaesthetic) but is not good for the heart to be used repeatedly.

The CCT have developed a way of seeing guineas teeth without anaesthetic and there are people up and down the country that can do dentaks this way :) Its vets though that need to learn this method- and its not for everyone, I don't believe that people (vets or not) should be forced into doing it, I want someone who is confident in doing dentals seeing my pigs, not someone thats having a look because they 'have to' :)

Often guineas can die if there is an underlying problem that is not detectable at the pre op- usually respiratory, otherwise I wouldn't expect a vet to lose a guinea pig when the correct drugs are used :)

As you've found its a steep learning curve and we'll always be on it :)
Re: is something wrong with Roo? U/D not looking good

just got a phone call off the vet Roos mouth doesnt meet which means his teeth dont either hense why his food was just getting stuck in his teeth, ive been told that he will need seringe fed rather then given solid food which is risky as he wont be getting all the nutrients that he needs in his diet, she did say that it would have been kinder to pts but i want to give my Roo a fighting chance am i doing the right thing? he will also need regular dentals... my poor boy :'(
Ohhh. (((((((((( BIG HUG ))))))))))
Good luck with Roo.
Look out for Glynis, she has alot of experience with toothy probs.
I know there are others too.
Best of luck
Anne. :)
You are absolutely doing the right thing. Some vets have the attitude that if they can't fix it, kill it. Did they even offer to try and help him? Definitely contact the CCT or get the yellow pages for another vet in your area.
Which teeth? Their Incisors aren't supposed to meet.

If he's going to have regular dentals then your best off phoning Vedra for a local rodentologist/vet that can do this without anaesthetic.
no his molars (i think their the back teeth) i will deffinatly ring and find a suitable vet in my area as obviously id only be risking his life having him placed under aneasthetic regular.
Aw poor little Roo, I hope you find a good vet that can diagnose him properly and hopefully sort his toothies out.
And ask Vedra for advice.

Hope you get to the bottom of it!

Aww best of luck with him and finding a rodentologist :)
You can always PM Glynis on here for support and advice, she is lovely. Her Dukey has had toothy problems for ages now and has to have regular dental work done and syringe feeding too.
I'm really happy Roo doesnt mind being seringe fed at all he kept putting the seringe in his mouth when he wanted more ;D aww i do love him to think the vet wanted to have him pts I'm just praying now that theres a good rodentologist (sp) in my area
also a quick question how many times a day should i seringe feed him?
There's a full syringe feeding guide at the top of the health and illness section in the supplies list. Anorexic pigs (which I doubt he is) need feeding little and often :)
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