Is She Psychotic

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 4, 2011
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Peggy lost her companion, and since then we acquired a little 7month old girl who was unwanted. We introduce on our bed and emptied th cage scrubbed it down and moved the girls back in. Only for Peggy to pull fur and chase little one around and baby cry and cry :(...
Is Peggy just a psycho I cannot bare to watch her beat this little lady up :(
Peggy is not a psycho! She is asserting her dominance over the baby. The babies cry is submission. How are they now?
They settled and then baby is sleeping and Peggy wonders over and lunges at her, no blood but significant chunks of fur. Peggy's not chattering but instead huffing at her. It's odd she charges up beats baby up then lies down next too her, wonder round and then the second baby moves peggies chasing her again..
I did have two hides houses in but pegs was cornering baby in it and using it Too grab baby
Yeh seemed fine on the bed both just sat there. But then did wee wee everywhere :eek:
Twice now they have had face to face stood up scuffles and now baby just lays there screaming while taking a beating:(
But then right now peg is just laying down noshing on hay while baby cautiously only an inch awy nibbles,. Doesn't seem too be a trigger at all either
I would keep an eye on them and see how it goes. Have you read the links on bonding to determine what is normal dominance and what is bullying?
Yeh, this is why I'm confused I've read the threads and it all looks awesome just dominance behaviour, then Peggy changes the way the games played by doing something silly like lunging at baby for moving. Then other moments Peggy is going dominant too submissive.. It makes literally 0 sense
It sounds like Peggy is really letting the baby know her place. Are you in the uk? It is night here so you could separate them over night and try again tomorrow. Did you quarantine the baby before introducing her?
Baby had been at a friends who quarantined her previously, she was going too keep her but decided that she wouldn't. Yeh I'm UK I have baby's other cage set up I'll try her back in their for the night.. Ugh why must I get the naughty piggies
It just sounds like strong dominance behaviour now that peggy is back in her own territory. The crying is submission and not rally pain. Most dominance behaviour (including fur pulling) is actually stopping short of really hurting and injuring the other piggy.

Please make sure that you have rather have "tents" made with hankies pegged to the bars or cardboard houses with two open sides, so the baby cannot be cornered and can escape at any time. if necessary put a divider in the cage overnight and continue with bonding tomorrow when you can be present. Hopefully Peggy will settle down altough she is likely to throw her weight around from time to time.
Thank you! I'll give this ago, I tried dividing but the second I do the little sods push to get back too each other:doh: I'm certainly losing my mind here. Just aswell I love this crazy bossy baked potatoe of a piggy :wub:

I'll update soon on how we get on.. I'm off to make safe hiders for miss marina mini pig the 1st
I would make sure they are within your sight and hearing till you are confident with their bond. But no, Peg is not crazy, shes obviously extremely dominant though!
Thank you! I'll give this ago, I tried dividing but the second I do the little sods push to get back too each other:doh: I'm certainly losing my mind here. Just aswell I love this crazy bossy baked potatoe of a piggy :wub:

I'll update soon on how we get on.. I'm off to make safe hiders for miss marina mini pig the 1st

If both want to be together, then let them together. It means that they have actually bonded and - however wild things look - they won't come to any harm.
Since we rescued pegs her cage has always been next too my bed (in case she needs me for anything at all) lol don't judge me she was a needy girl and we were told she had been kept with a male so we had her on baby watch, then when it became obvious whe wasn't pregnant she stayed in and now begs for cuddles kisses and lip rubs... She's a real bossy potatoe. Watching now and she is demanding a fuss from baby seems better now. Fingers crossed a more peaceful night.
She sounds like my Toffee aka Buffy. I have never met such a bossy madam in all my 37 years of piggie ownership!
piggysweeks said:
baked potatoe of a piggy
Never heard that before, but it is so funny!
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