Is Pet Picks Ok For Me To Use For My Guinea Pig?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 22, 2014
Reaction score
elgin iowa
I just recently switched my guinea pigs bedding from oak to pine because the oak shavings where very hard on her feet and caused them to get red and sore and it didn't absorbed much either and it always stank in 3 days and it would attract gnats as well. So when i told my mom about this recent change she got worried and said that all pine good make her ill and come down with a bladder infection? idk if that is true though and i did some researching today and found out that it is OK to use pine bedding as long as it was kiln dried, sifted, and didn't have a strong smell to and i have been using this since Wednesday of this week and she seems fine wit it her feet aren't red anymore she moves around a lot more and it soaks up a lot more then the oak ever did and the gnats are going away and the pet picks bag says its was kiln dried and sifted and doesn't have a strong smell to it but if i sniff it i can still tell that it is pine. i was hoping if other ppl had any other problems with using pet picks pine bedding and that it is ok and safe for me to continue to use it for her.:ple::help:
@monster, Hi! Generally speaking, there are not a lot of people here in the UK that use pine for bedding. It may not smell very strong to you, but is probably quite strong in your piggies noses as they are a lot closer to it! Bedding like that can cause respiratory problems in your pigs. Paper based beddings are much safer, as is fleece bedding. I am guessing that you have your pigs in a cage?
yes and its opened all the way around so it airs out i wouldnt even dream of using a tank for her at all n i have tried the fleece but she gets her toenails caught in it even after i clip them n the paper beding here is rly expensive to n this is much better on her feet they arent red anymore n she walks around a lot more now to n is more active plus is it make it easier for her to move her box around now more to
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