Is my piggy pregnant?!


Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 28, 2019
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Hey fellow piggy lovers!

I have 3 Guinea pigs, all female. They are all abyssians and they all had a vet check before I brought them home.
Caramel, Paris and Sunny have been with me for 4 weeks but they were about 7 weeks old when I got them from a shelter... they were abandoned in a box outside a vets! :(

Caramel has recently been piling the weight on. She is growing at a much larger rate than the other two and her hips have gotten very wide, in a pear shape. From what I have seen, she is the more dominant lady judging by her chin heightening, rumble strutting and mounting of the other two.
Recently she has been rumble strutting more, eating more, drinking more and resting a lot more around their cage.
I phoned the shelter I got them from and told them my worries. They said that there is a chance there was a mix up with the pens they were in and that there could have been a male in the pen with them when I picked them out. Due to this I am taking her in tomorrow for a free check up/ultrasound. I want to know what your experiences are, if Caramel could be pregnant or maybe I am just being over cautious.

For those who need added infomation:

The three of them are in a 5 x 4 two tier C and C indoor cage. They get fed a mixture of veggies twice a day, fresh water and they always have Timothy and meadow hay available to them constantly.

Thank you in advance for your help!


Caramel, Sunny, Paris and Mom 🐹
I would suggest a vet trip with her to confirm one way or the other.
If she is pregnant then start your own thread in the Pregnancy section of the forum to ensure it is seen by those members who have experience and expertise in piggy pregnancy .
You will also find a lot of information threads regarding coping with pregnancy.

You are not the first member to end up with more piggies than bargained for so you will find a lot of support here.

Keep us posted and welcome to the forum
I would suggest a vet trip with her to confirm one way or the other.
If she is pregnant then start your own thread in the Pregnancy section of the forum to ensure it is seen by those members who have experience and expertise in piggy pregnancy .
You will also find a lot of information threads regarding coping with pregnancy.

You are not the first member to end up with more piggies than bargained for so you will find a lot of support here.

Keep us posted and welcome to the forum

Thankyou for your help and support!

I have heard many times that people come home with a new pregnant piggy by accident!

I'll see what the vet says tomorrow. Thankyou!
Oh dear it does sound suspiciously like the shelter don't want to admit that they found a boy in with the sows. If there had been a boy in with them then yes there is every chance she could be pregnant
Now start your thread in the pregnancy section so that you will get the best possible support, advice, guidance .
We will eagerly await babies.