Is My Pig Trying To Help His Brother?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 20, 2017
Reaction score
Hello :)
I have two 6 month old boars. They are not from the same litter but they certainly act like it, they are constantly cuddling, eating, and playing together. One of them, Piggy, is disabled due to an accident (i have a thread explaining the accident if you'd like to read it!)
His back legs are paralyzed (although he is slowly gaining back some movement), but he eats, drinks, wheeks, plays, and runs around on his front legs just as fast as before.
However, recently, i have noticed a new behavior with my other pig, Boo. Once in a while, he will go up to Piggy's back legs, pick one of them up in his mouth, and drop it. He usually does this a few times before stopping. He is definitely not trying to eat/chew Piggy's legs, he simply picks them up and drops them.
Could Boo know that Piggy's legs aren't working, and could this be his way of trying to help?
It may sound silly, but i am curious. Thank you!
Sounds like he is trying to help.:luv: When Toast has been ill Beans would always cuddle in with her and sleep next to her (they don't normally do this). I think piggies are far more clever and intuitive than most people give them credit for! :love:
He is probably trying to help. I've seen my pigs be very solicitous to a cagemate when they are ill. They have stronger social ties than many people believe!
Yes piggies, can be be really wriggly sometimes, you were really unlucky with your piggy. As I was opening one of my cages recently one of mine jumped out. It was a drop of about 2 1/2 to 3ft & she was fine. Probably depends on how they land, I suppose. Hope Jack bounces back soon.
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