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Is My New Piggy Dying?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 18, 2015
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Hi guys, four days ago I adopted two very small very young guinea pigs from pets at home who didn't give me much information about their past.

they were both very thin and very frightened and for the first couple days I've left them to get used to their surroundings and their two new sisters.

one is doing very well, she's more confident, explored, will eat from my hand and seems to be doing great and poos normally.

however, one, her names lettie, doesn't do much. I have seen her eat, but its never much, she doesn't move much unless a guinea pig nudges her or tried to walk over her and when I pick her up she's so limp, she doesn't even struggle. I've got them on floor time and shea led on her side, twitching and shaking and her eyes are almost closed and the other guine pigs seem to be huddling her and grooming her and its so sad I'm almost in tears, is she dying? I've never seen hr poo and shes dreadfully thin... :'(

I think what hurts me more is my other half's on a night shift and I have no transport to a vet I feel so helpless!
bump! Her breathing is very slow and shallow as well!
I'm sorry but she sounds very poorly. Is there anyone who can help you get her to a vet? A taxi even? At first I thought maybe she was just very nervous but with the twitching and laying on her side it sounds like she may be having a fit. Just seen your second post, I think she may be shutting down. Could you call the vet and see what they say?
I think your piggy is very ill- i would suggest an emergency vet but i know you said you arent able to get there.. I would wrap your piggy in a blanket and keep her comfortable in a calm and quiet environment. I cant say for sure as i cant see her but it does sound like she could be on her way out if shes totally collapsed and shallow breathing. Is there anyway at all u could get her to the vet?
I've rang the vet and they said to separate her from the other girls encase its infectious and I'm going to have to wait until the morning because 40 quid for a taxi and they'll charge me 90 just to be seen let alone anything else I just cant afford it at the moment xx I'm trying to keep her comfortable and happy but its so horrible to watch xx
she keeps chewing now and then n nothing is she gasping for air?
I'm sorry you arent able to get help tonight. I would continue to sit with her in a little blanket and keep her warm and calm. I would usually suggest tempting with food and water but your little one sounds very poorly if shes collapsed and shallow breathing, and it may just be a matter of keeping her comfortable. There is always someone here to help so dont hesitate if you need any advice or help x
It could be a sign of discomfort. Just to warn you if she is on her way to the bridge it can be a long process and very upsetting.

This might really hard to look at but I just need someone to confirm I'm not overreacting :'( I've got her wrapped up on my lap and she did purr a bit
I hope you are okay on your own. You know whatever happens you are with her loving her if you didn't have her she would be in a dark pet shop. Thinking of you x
I dont know if u tried to upload something or not, just your message came through. It really does sound like your baby is slowly shutting down, but if you are in any doubt, a vet is your best option. Depending on what has happened to her, she could stay like this for a while but not improve, and that will be heartbreaking for you. Its impossible for an outsider to say what will happen.. But from what u have described she is extremely ill at the least, and even if she got to the vet, it might just be a matter of helping her to the bridge. Keeping her warm and calm is recommended x
I've got water and a little treat here but she isn't touching any of it I'm going to have to wait through the night, and ill try and re upload x
I'm sorry she really isnt doing well, i think she is probably past the stage of still eating/drinking so i wouldnt force it. You are doing what u can with your circumstances- we can only do our best.
this is so heartbreaking, thank you all so sos much for your help and support ❤
she just passed a huge white gunk thing from her behind (mucus plug?) and then buried herself more and is now barely moving again.. What is going on?
I'm really not too sure. If she has not been pooing then it could be related to that.
she's acting more normal now and is more active than shea ever been and has now pooed on me (charming) do you think she had a blockage and shea passed it? Shea not moving much but she's smelling and walking around a little bit
It is possible, she may have been gassy and uncomfortable though I am not sure that would make her twitch like she did. See if she will take any food now, you could mush up some of her pellets in some warm water. Do you have any gripe water to hand? If so she can have 3ml of that every few hours. Though if she is very small I would halve the dose.
I agree with helen that it could have been due to the lack of poos shes passed.. Its good that shes moving around more but this would just encourage me more to get her to a vet tonight to find out if they can help identify the problem and treat her
Can u post a picture of what she passed? And poss a video of her now and her breathing etc?
she is now infact eating, I feel much better now but I'm still taking her to the vet, I'm worried she may of had a seizure which somehow unblocked her or somethjng
She seems more lively than she's ever mean! I have no idea what happened or what's going on now
I can't see the photo as Photobucket keeps launching adverts on my phone. Is it possible to use the direct upload function?

How is she now?
I would still have your little one seen by a vet this morning as her symptoms do sound serious and shouldnt be ignored, even if she has perked up.

Hope she is still bright x
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