Is my guinea teeth chattering at me?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 22, 2012
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I'm confused lately. Clive doesn't seem to be scared of me and I don't over fuss him, I respect him and give him his space but I've recently noticed that he's been making sounds that are sort of like teeth chattering? I honestly don't understand, every time I walk into the room he popcorns and comes to the bars for a fuss. Even when he's in the run he sits on the side nearest to me so I'm really puzzled as to why he's making these noises. I'm wondering if maybe I'm being paranoid and he's just eating or something? Or maybe he's all of a sudden gone in a mood xD

Any help on this would be great, I feel awful :/ I genuinely do my best for him and don't see where I've gone wrong.
Hmm right ok. I was hoping I would be able to offer you advice if he was rumbling...but mine have never teeth chattered (that I have heard) so I won't be able to help, sorry :(

Hopefully someone will be able to help :)
Hmm right ok. I was hoping I would be able to offer you advice if he was rumbling...but mine have never teeth chattered (that I have heard) so I won't be able to help, sorry :(

Hopefully someone will be able to help :)

That's fine, thank you for trying though :)
One of my pigs teeth chatter me as well. They aren't as friendly as yours as I sometimes get teeth chattered at when I go to the cage, if I have food they are up at the bars and love me! Not sure how to stop them from teeth chattering other than handle them more and offer them treats etc. so would like to hear others advice on this too!
One of my pigs teeth chatter me as well. They aren't as friendly as yours as I sometimes get teeth chattered at when I go to the cage, if I have food they are up at the bars and love me! Not sure how to stop them from teeth chattering other than handle them more and offer them treats etc. so would like to hear others advice on this too!

I'm sure someone knows more than us xD
I have found that ther are at least two types of teeth chattering. The most obvious one is the sound of aggression towards another piggy, loud and distinct "I've got big sharp teeth, so back off". The other that I have come across and it took me a while to realise what it was, is a quieter and less aggressive sounding chatter. It's made when piggies sharpen thier front teeth and tends to be when they are expecting food A bit like we would sharpen a carving knife in preparation for cutting food.
hahaha that is so funny if they actually do sharpen their teeth when they are expecting food! Maybe that is what mine do when they teeth chatter me because I usually come with food! It isn't a loud chattering noise.
I have found that ther are at least two types of teeth chattering. The most obvious one is the sound of aggression towards another piggy, loud and distinct "I've got big sharp teeth, so back off". The other that I have come across and it took me a while to realise what it was, is a quieter and less aggressive sounding chatter. It's made when piggies sharpen thier front teeth and tends to be when they are expecting food A bit like we would sharpen a carving knife in preparation for cutting food.

That could explain it actually, considering he shows no other signs of aggression towards me and I am the 'food lady' :p
Thank you!
I have even found a semicircle of piggies waiting for me when I bring thier veggies in, all making scissor noises and looking at me expectantly.
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