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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 18, 2017
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North America
IMG_4609.webp IMG_4605.webp I got a female guinea pig from my local shelter about 22 days ago. I noticed that she was a bit large compared to my other female rescue guinea pig that I got from somewhere else. I was told that she was between 1 and 2 years old. I don't know much about her history, but I know that there was a male guinea pig in the same shelter she was in. However, I don't know if he came from the same place she did, or if they were kept in the same cage, because he was adopted before I got there. My female guinea pig weighs 2.5 pounds, and has a fairly round stomach. I'm not sure if she's pregnant, overweight, or both. Her stomach isn't that hard, but I haven't felt it to much because I don't want to hurt her. She hates to be picked up, and grinds her teeth for a few seconds after I set her down. She isn't as active as my other female, however this would also be true if she was overweight. She loves to eat, and seems to poop and pee a lot. She's on the same diet as my regular sized guinea pig. I don't have a vet that I can take her to, as I live in a small town. She's quite fearful of people, until she is in your lap. Then she just hunkers down. I'm not sure if this is out of fear. If she is pregnant, she's over 4 weeks for sure. Here are some pictures.IMG_4616.webp IMG_4618.webp
She does look slightly rounded though my boar is too to be fair. A vet would be able to tell you for certain if she has pups in there. With her exact age unknown a vet visit would be good because the older they are the more complicated a pregnancy can be.
Hi, she doesn't look to be in the advanced stage of pregnancy at all. The only way to be sure is to wait the full 10 weeks gestation. A vet may be able to tell but even they cam get it wrong. Please don't worry, just give her a good diet with plenty of good quality hay and fresh vegetables, but don't over feed her, especially her pellets. Weigh her weekly, if her weight continues to increase then this suggests she is pregnant, if it remains stable then chances are she is not.
She is beautiful, does she have a friend?
Yes she does have a friend, and thank you for your input. I'm going to go ahead and contact a vet tomorrow, to see if he can work with guinea pigs. I'm concerned because of her age.
She does look slightly rounded though my boar is too to be fair. A vet would be able to tell you for certain if she has pups in there. With her exact age unknown a vet visit would be good because the older they are the more complicated a pregnancy can be.

Thank you, and I will try my best to get her to a vet. I defiantly think something is up with her, whether it's bloating, pregnancy, or she just eats to dang much.
Does anyone else have an opinion about whether or not my guinea pig looks pregnant? (Rescue)
It is very difficult to tell from a picture if a piggy is pregnant unless she is very close to giving birth, by which time there will be obvious other signs like the babies moving around and kicking out.

But I just wanted to say.. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I am so envious that you get to be that little sweethearts human.
It is very difficult to tell from a picture if a piggy is pregnant unless she is very close to giving birth, by which time there will be obvious other signs like the babies moving around and kicking out.

But I just wanted to say.. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! I am so envious that you get to be that little sweethearts human.
Thank you! I know I lucked out. Lucked out on my other rescue as well, although I'd say she's cuter than she is pretty :)
Hi guys, new update: she has been in contact with a boar, probably over 4 weeks ago. Any new thoughts?

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Well... she does look pretty round, and if she's been around an intact boar it's pretty likely she could be

Mind you, I've never had guinea pig babies but I've had multiple rabbits have litters (thank you, breeder, who told me all my rabbits were girls) and I've had pregnant cats.

With rabbits, it's a bit hard to tell but usually their stomach will feel hard. A few days before they give birth they build a nest. Guinea pigs usually don't do this but she will probably want to hide more.

Good luck!
Well if she's been with an intact boar then yes she's probably pregnant, how did it happen? At the rescue?

You should contact them, if she is pregnant then they should be organise vet help and through the birth.
Well... she does look pretty round, and if she's been around an intact boar it's pretty likely she could be

Mind you, I've never had guinea pig babies but I've had multiple rabbits have litters (thank you, breeder, who told me all my rabbits were girls) and I've had pregnant cats.

With rabbits, it's a bit hard to tell but usually their stomach will feel hard. A few days before they give birth they build a nest. Guinea pigs usually don't do this but she will probably want to hide more.

Good luck!
Well if she's been with an intact boar then yes she's probably pregnant, how did it happen? At the rescue?

You should contact them, if she is pregnant then they should be organise vet help and through the birth.
No it most likely happened before they came to the shelter. Unfortunately I live about 2 hours away from them, so I wouldn't be able to use their vet anyway. All I'm asking from the shelter is to provide as much information as possible. Thanks
When my Guinea pig was pregnant, she most definitely had a solid lump on either side of her stomach. I could feel babies moving from around 6 weeks. I didn't notice her moving any less than the others, apart from the couple of days beer her babies arrived.

Try sitting her over your hand, and if she is in the final few weeks of her pregnancy, you,l feel babies moving after a while. Definitely get her to a vet if she's 1-2 years old though. My Buttercup was only 12 weeks only when I found out that she was pregnant, and things can be much harder for an older piggie.
I don't really understand, she lived with an intact boar before going to the rescue? It's a shame they didn't keep her in for pregnancy watch. It will be a stressful time for you :( Especially without vet help. As mentioned by others, it's definitely important to see a piggy savvy vet in case she is, due to her age.

Fingers crossed for your beautiful piggy, hopefully she isn't pregnant!
I don't really understand, she lived with an intact boar before going to the rescue? It's a shame they didn't keep her in for pregnancy watch. It will be a stressful time for you :( Especially without vet help. As mentioned by others, it's definitely important to see a piggy savvy vet in case she is, due to her age.

Fingers crossed for your beautiful piggy, hopefully she isn't pregnant!
Luckily I was able to see a vet. He doesn't usually do rodents but he made an exception. He didnt feel any obvious babies, then he took an x-ray and didn't see any. He wasn't 100% sure, but...we'll see I guess. I'm assuming babies would show up on an x-ray at six weeks.
Have you tried the vet locator on the forum for a piggy savvy vet? :)

Hopefully she's not then, it's great you're keeping an eye on her but if she's not showing any signs then she's probably fine :) Fingers crossed!
Have you tried the vet locator on the forum for a piggy savvy vet? :)

Hopefully she's not then, it's great you're keeping an eye on her but if she's not showing any signs then she's probably fine :) Fingers crossed!
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