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Is my guinea pig possibly sick!?


New Born Pup
Nov 9, 2022
Reaction score
Riverdale Georgia
My guinea pig’s name is Coffee she had a cage mate named Kiri, unfortunately she died and it may have been a respiratory infection or uti but idrk. Coffee was in the cage with Kiri could Kiri possibly spread it to Coffee? Ever since that happened Coffee has been rubbing her nose and scratching constantly! I thought it was just normal guinea pig stuff but she has been doing it more than usual, please help!
The best thing to do is get Coffee a check over at the vets. Wiping at her nose and scratching could eman many things.
A vet check will confirm what's wrong and the vet will give you appropriate treatment.
Good luck, and sorry to hear you lost Kiri 😢
A respiratory infection (URI) might sometimes be contagious but a urinary infection (UTI) is not contagious.

If you are worried then please do see a vet