Is my guinea pig ok?


New Born Pup
Jan 3, 2025
Reaction score
United States
One of my guinea pigs is always sleeping and the other one is awake, he has been doing this for a few days and I’m getting worried because he never used to do this
Hello and welcome to the forum.

I’m sorry your piggy is worrying you. Any change in behaviour needs to be checked out by a vet to rule out illness first of all. I’d get him seen as soon as possible. Also I’d start weighing him daily to make sure he’s not losing any weight. Good luck. I hope he is ok.

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I agree with weepweeps.
If you are concerned about a potential health issue; please switch from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh your piggy each morning. This allows for you to more closely monitor hay intake. Any weight loss then do ensure you step in with syringe feeding.
Please do also see a vet for any change in behaviour.

I hope your piggy is ok

Welcome to the forum.
I agree with the previous posts.
With any concern a vet trip is advised.
At best you will be reassured if there’s no problem but if something is amiss the sooner it can be diagnosed and treated the better.
Hope all is well.
Welcome to the forum. As advised by everyone else, any concerns that don't obviously require a vet check and I go straight for daily weight checks.