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Is My Guinea Pig Heading To Rainbow Bridge?

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New Born Pup
Aug 27, 2015
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My female guinea pig bugsy (inspired from the Adam Sandler film bedtime stories) has been in my life for 6 years now, which I hear is really good because guinea pigs live for up to five years.
We thought she would have passed away along time ago because she has this infected sore on her back area. She went to the vets, and if I can remember she was prescribed with antibiotics and an ointment (it was a long time ago, plus my parents took her when I was in school) but it didn't really heal. She no longer has puss from it but she's still left with a scab that she sometimes like to try and scratch/bite. She didn't seem like she was in pain, so my uncle (who used to be a vet, but he doesn't live near us anymore) agreed that it won't go away and she seems fine.

Recently she has developed what looks like a water infection as every time she urinates she squeaks. We was advised to make sure she has enough water in the day, which she does. And now today she has a swollen cheek.

Every time I see her now I feel so sorry, like as if she is in pain. She is a lot more tired now so I'm wondering if these are her final days.

We hopefully can take her to the vet tomorrow, so is there anything that I can do for her tonight to comfort her?
Any response would be appreciated.
My female guinea pig bugsy (inspired from the Adam Sandler film bedtime stories) has been in my life for 6 years now, which I hear is really good because guinea pigs live for up to five years.
We thought she would have passed away along time ago because she has this infected sore on her back area. She went to the vets, and if I can remember she was prescribed with antibiotics and an ointment (it was a long time ago, plus my parents took her when I was in school) but it didn't really heal. She no longer has puss from it but she's still left with a scab that she sometimes like to try and scratch/bite. She didn't seem like she was in pain, so my uncle (who used to be a vet, but he doesn't live near us anymore) agreed that it won't go away and she seems fine.

Recently she has developed what looks like a water infection as every time she urinates she squeaks. We was advised to make sure she has enough water in the day, which she does. And now today she has a swollen cheek.

Every time I see her now I feel so sorry, like as if she is in pain. She is a lot more tired now so I'm wondering if these are her final days.

We hopefully can take her to the vet tomorrow, so is there anything that I can do for her tonight to comfort her?
Any response would be appreciated.

Sorry to hear your little one is poorly. The squeeling when weeing could be a sign of a urine infection, which she would need to see a vet and get antibiotics. She could also be squeeling as shes trying to poo, which she'd still need to see the vet for. The cheek sweeling could be an abcess / tooth problem so,again, will need to see the vet. This doesnt necessarily mean the end for your piggy, she could just be down if she has those problems going on. I would however advise you definately get her to a vets tomorrow for treatment. And its important to make sure she is eating and drinking. Some soft watery veg like a slice or 2 of cucumber will help keep her hydrated. All the best x
I would get her to the vets this morning, it sounds like a UTI in which case she will need pain relief and antibiotics (preferably Septrin) but the vet will also need to rule out bladder stones or sludge.

Please could you update your location on your profile as it will help us tailor our advice. If you are a minor, just update the country and possibly the county.
Please have her seen by a vet promptly. Ask for painkiller as well as an antibiotic.

Your vet may need to check for UTI (bacterial urine infection) or cystitis (inflammation of the bladder walls). Please also ask him to check the womb for signs of infection/being fluid filled in addition to checking for bladder stones/sludge via an x-ray. All these conditions manifest with very similar symptoms.
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