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Is my guinea pig depressed?


New Born Pup
Apr 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! Currently I have a single guinea pig named Luna. My only option in terms of adopting her was the pet store (no adoptions on Guinea pig finder or centers near me) and before finding her a friend I wanted to get a grasp of her personalty before so I could better understand a partner for her. She is very energetic at night and still eats but can get quite agressive and she will nip a lot. I put her back and do not punish her and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Really, my question is: is this a sign she is depressed?
Nipping is likely her way of telling you that she doesn’t like being handled/taken out her cage.please don’t punish her but see it as a positive that she’s confident enough to tell you what she does/does not like.

How long has she been alone and how old is she? Please do see about getting her a friend. We know that some places don’t have many options in terms of rescues etc but in some cases you just have to do what is right for them. Have a look at when you can get her a friend. There is a wealth of information on here regarding how to go about the bonding etc.

Do bear in mind that how she behaves with you won’t necessarily be how she behaves with another piggy. We don’t speak their language so you may not be able to pick up on the nuances of her personality.

Good luck and hope you get her a friend soon. If they don’t get on, you have the option (if space is available) to house them as neighbours. That is definitely better than nothing. Do feel free to ask questions if you want help. We are also here to support through anything ☺️
Nipping is likely her way of telling you that she doesn’t like being handled/taken out her cage.please don’t punish her but see it as a positive that she’s confident enough to tell you what she does/does not like.

How long has she been alone and how old is she? Please do see about getting her a friend. We know that some places don’t have many options in terms of rescues etc but in some cases you just have to do what is right for them. Have a look at when you can get her a friend. There is a wealth of information on here regarding how to go about the bonding etc.

Do bear in mind that how she behaves with you won’t necessarily be how she behaves with another piggy. We don’t speak their language so you may not be able to pick up on the nuances of her personality.

Good luck and hope you get her a friend soon. If they don’t get on, you have the option (if space is available) to house them as neighbours. That is definitely better than nothing. Do feel free to ask questions if you want help. We are also here to support through anything ☺️
Thank you so much! She is maybe 6 months? I have had her for maybe 4 months. I do not have space for separating guinea pigs so I am really trying to find her a good friend! I will send updates :)
Thank you so much! She is maybe 6 months? I have had her for maybe 4 months. I do not have space for separating guinea pigs so I am really trying to find her a good friend! I will send updates :)
Do you have any local guinea pig rescues? My local rescue does piggy bonding for you so you don't have to worry about them not getting on.
Do you have any local guinea pig rescues? My local rescue does piggy bonding for you so you don't have to worry about them not getting on.
The closest one is maybe 100 miles away and I cannot drive :( I have many animal rescues near me so I am going to see if any have guinea pigs.
The closest one is maybe 100 miles away and I cannot drive :( I have many animal rescues near me so I am going to see if any have guinea pigs.
100 miles is a long way. That is a good idea. They may allow you to see if they will get on. I would read guides on bonding though first, as the part where you introduce two pigs its important to get it right.