is my floor time pointless?


New Born Pup
Oct 24, 2023
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I have my two 4mo old sows in a 4x2 C&C cage and I recently bought a playpen for them that is 4.59ft by 18in, as it’s the only thing I can fit in my room for floor time. I tried it last night with them and they seemed to have fun exploring and playing, but I feel like it’s pointless for their exercise since it’s about the same size as their cage. However I just don’t have room for anything else! Does anyone have any advice on getting them more exercise in a carpeted bedroom? I just feel so guilty about not being able to get them a bigger pen due to my room size :(


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I feel if the guinea pigs are enjoying it, then it's not pointless. It might be the same size as their actual cage, but it's not their cage - which is the important bit. Not every guinea pig likes floor time, so if your sows are enjoying it, that's what matters.
I feel if the guinea pigs are enjoying it, then it's not pointless. It might be the same size as their actual cage, but it's not their cage - which is the important bit. Not every guinea pig likes floor time, so if your sows are enjoying it, that's what matters.
thank you for the advice :) i was thinking of getting them some special toys and treats that they only get for floor time, that way it’s an entirely different experience than their usual cage
I found that getting one of those fabric mats for dogs to hide their treats in works great. I put their veggies in it and this works well since they have to use their sense of smell to find the food.

I also put some fleece over their hides and they loved that. They even zoomed for a while. I included a photo.


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thank you! so it won’t be detrimental to their health if they spend their time between the 4x2 cage and the pen?

To reassure you -
My boys live in my shed. In winter when they can’t go in their lawn runs, they have a small space on the shed floor as a play space.
There was a plan for each pair to be out in their half of the shed (their half being directly in front of their respective cages) every day but thanks to Hugo and Wilbur having a fight, falling out and a third enclosure being needed means space got cut right down.
They now get a time share of a space which is smaller than their enclosures in rotation to have a change of scenery and stretch their legs. - dex &pops one day, Hugo the next, Wilbur the next.
They have plenty of enrichment and space in their respective enclosures, they can also interact with each other between the bars. Nobody is bored and they are all happy piggies whether it is their day to be in the play space or not .