Is my boar to aggressive?

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Jun 29, 2010
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I've posted several times about my boar V. He is unable to get along with any other pig.

We managed to pair him with a younger boar who is closer in age and they get on very well. I do not know if it helps at all but they are the same breed and in my opinion similar temperaments.

However, he is lives up to his name. V- violent and viscous. He destroys everything, throws his toys, rips things to bit and pieces. Bangs his water bottle, attempts to rip it from its holder.

If he so much as hears or smells the other two pigs he chatters away. He is getting worse and worse. He has yet to bite us, but we are very cautious in holding him. He doesn't like any human contact lately and grows easily aggravated.

My question:

I do not want his mate to become like him. Can his personality affect the others behavior?

Is there anything I can do for him? My husband wants to get rid of him due to the fact he is so -destructive and in his words "evil". =( I love him. But I worry for the others~ I
How old is V? Is he the aby in your picture?

I can safely say that it isn't down to breed - V sounds a pretty energetic character who obviously likes to let it out. Most boys will be more laid back. Sadly, some piggies will never be very cuddly.

Have you been trying to give him positive encouragement like lots of praise when he does "nice " things and behaves? You can praise any piggy like you would a little dog and you can give them little treats as well.
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V is 8 months. The youngest is caged with him. The baby is 5 months. I didn't know you could praise them =) I will try that!
I though so!

Between 4-12 months, boys have their stroppy hormonal phase. It sounds like V is one of the more hormonal boys. Once they reach full adulthood, the hormones and tempers tend to settle down more and piggies become quieter.

V will probably never be a really cuddly one, but then not all are - my neutered boar Llewelyn doesn't like being cuddled either; and I have had him for three years now! I just enjoy his company and the fact that he feeds from my hand.
My little fella Harvey is normally very calm, but can get in such a strop if I'm even just five mins late for his usual routine, he throws everything from the top floor to the bottom (including hay!), kicks all his food out of his bowl, will 'ping' the cage bar and make very loud noises!

Although hes not as aggressive as your little boy, he can get in such a strop dispite this Artie (his brother) is still his happy little self, popcorning away whilst his brother is throwing a strop. they are both 18 weeks old now but Harvey will still happily be handled as long as you dont change his morning routine! :)
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