Is my boar being bullied..?


New Born Pup
Mar 23, 2019
Reaction score

I have two boars (brothers) called Elon and Elias. They are now in their difficult 'teenage' period and Elias is constantly chasing after Elon and has given him a bite on his rump which drew blood. Elon is very nervous and is mostly staying away from Elias and will run to the other end of the cage each time Elias approaches him. It's awful seeing him so nervous. Also, when I let them have floor time Elon will instead run back into the cage and hide :( Should I just see how things go or is it time to try out separating them..? I've had boars before and generally they have sorted things out but I'm just concerned about how much this could be stressing Elon out. Elias is clearly the dominant pig and Elon isn't challenging him but he still keeps chasing and lunging. I've got a big cage and two houses, etc.

I also have an elderly pig (6/7) called Edward who lost his friend a while ago and I haven't been able to re-bond him yet so he lives on his own but in a cage nearby so he isn't completely alone.. but Elias is completely obsessed with Edward and looking over at the cage and rumblestrutting, etc. I am wondering if the presence of Edward nearby could be making things worse..?

Once blood is drawn it’s sadly and usually the end of their relationship and separation would be advised.
Edward‘s presence is not likely to be making things worse - if Elon and Elias are having compatibility problems, then they will have them regardless of Edward’s presence - abut they can display territorial behaviours with neighbours.
I would try a separation for a few days and see how Elon responds - if he perks up and seems happier to be away then that is usually a good indication of problem in a bond.

Bonds In Trouble
Once blood is drawn it’s sadly and usually the end of their relationship and separation would be advised.
Edward‘s presence is not likely to be making things worse - if Elon and Elias are having compatibility problems, then they will have them regardless of Edward’s presence - abut they can display territorial behaviours with neighbours.
I would try a separation for a few days and see how Elon responds - if he perks up and seems happier to be away then that is usually a good indication of problem in a bond.

Bonds In Trouble
Thank you for your reply. I have had boars who have superficially wounded each other before but thankfully things improved and they were able to continue together. I will try to put a barrier up in the cage and see how things go.