Is Lemon Balm safe for piggies?

I'm interested to know the answer to this too as I have a big (and growing!) plant of this in my garden. It makes a great herbal tea if you like that kind of thing, but it would be nice if the piggies could have it too :nod:
Following this too as I have tons of the stuff growing in the gardens, the yard, and in my raised beds. Stuff is very resistant to weeding!
I’m growing some for the piglets atm! Well I planted some the other day, if it grows then that’d be nice! :))
My coriander is sprouting now though! 🥳
My coriander has yet to sprout but lettuces, cucumber and runner beans are coming up nicely. I have also planted some red pepper seeds - no sign of any seedlings yet though.
Naughty squirrel! I thought I’d grow a few flowers indoors to plant at the front of my flat for the first time in years, remembered why I stopped trying when the local tom cat thought he’d bless them with his mess last week! :doh:
Most of the stuff I planted in March is growing ok, the parsley is the only thing big enough to trim atm though and it got the piggy munch of approval the other day! But I’m a bit restricted having no garden of my own! 🙄
Naughty squirrel! I thought I’d grow a few flowers indoors to plant at the front of my flat for the first time in years, remembered why I stopped trying when the local tom cat thought he’d bless them with his mess last week! :doh:
Most of the stuff I planted in March is growing ok, the parsley is the only thing big enough to trim atm though and it got the piggy munch of approval the other day! But I’m a bit restricted having no garden of my own! 🙄
I’m sure the piggies appreciate your efforts to give them home grown herbs 😊❤️